My Neko

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[My Neko]


"Harry!" You called, dishing out the macaroni and cheese into two bowls. It wasn't long until you heard a scamper of feet with giggles to match.

Two days. It had been two days since you found Harry hiding away in your garage. He's doing a lot better than he was the first day you both met. In fact, his whole personality has bloomed out before your eyes.

And it's safe to say that each day you're falling more in love with him. He was the cuddliest, cutest and most active Neko you've met. And it seems that he's grown a liking to you also.

A pair of arms wrapped around your legs and you looked down to see the Neko smiling widely up at you. "Hey Harry," he reached his arms up, signalling that he wanted to be picked up. So yoy did just what he wanted, "kisses?"

Harry kissed your cheek and you smiled, pulling hair from his face.

"You hungry?" He looked down at dinner and his eyes beamed as he excitedly bounced in your hold. "I'll take that as a yes."

Picking up his bowl, you carried him into the living room before setting him on the couch.

"Now don't touch your food just yet, it's hot." Harry stared at his bowl as you placed it onto the coffee table. "I'll be back."

With a quick step away, you grabbed a cold bottle of water from the fridge as well as your bowl and cutlery. A sudden yell caught your ears as you looked back wide eyed.

"Harry!" Your feet scurried back into the living room to see Harry curled up on couch, holding his finger. "Oh baby, what did you do?" Putting everything you were carrying down, you sat beside Harry and took his hand into your hold.

It was beginning to flare red around his fingertip. He must have touched his food.

"Harry, I told you to wait." With a deep sigh, you kissed his finger and pulled him closer. He immediately cuddled into your lap as you turned him towards the TV. "Now, let me get you your food."

With a nod from Harry, you pulled a cushion onto his lap and carefully put the bowl onto the same cushion. He watched as you blew on his food before beginning to feed him.

Harry was at the stage where he was beginning to learn how to hold cutlery now. And you knew it wouldn't be to long until he was dishing out his own food.

"You're a good boy." You smiled and opened the bottle of water. Harry immediately bounced in your lap as he held his arm out. "Ok, ok." You laughed and watched him down his water.

His little stomach couldn't hold much more so he let you finish his food. Which you weren't complaining about.

Harry was beginning to grow on you, and you knew he was. It has only been a few days but you felt an attachment to the Neko. And you knew he wasn't yours, and that you'd have to return him home soon.

Shaking the thought away for now, you picked up your own bowl of food and dug in as Harry cuddled warmly into you.


"Alright Harry, bedtime." You finished drying the Neko's hair before putting it into its small man bun -or Neko bun-.

Pulling Harry onto your arms, you flicked the bathroom light off and carried him into the spare room. He had been sleeping in here at night times, though last night he had snuck out and into your bed. You didn't mind though. You'd rather have a Neko to cuddle then none at all.

Coming into the spare room, you lay him softly onto the bed -hoping that he'd find it appealing enough to stay in-. Harry groaned in protest as you pulled the blanket back for him.

He shook his head and latched his arms around your shoulders causing you to lose your grip. "Harry," you sighed and knelt on the bed, holding him in your arms, "it's bedtime sweetie."

He shook his head and lifted his feet so now he hung off you like a sloth. With a soft look down at the Neko, you stood back up -securing him in your hold-.

"Would you like to stay with me tonight?" Harry nodded frantically as you chuckled, realising that, that is what he wanted. And with you knowing that you'd put up lost fliers tomorrow in search for his owners, you wanted as much time with him as you could. Because you might not have much left.

"Come on baby." Turning everything off in the spare room, you came into your dark bedroom. But knowing where everything was placed, and having your eyes let you have some leverage, you wandered to the bed. "Here you are Harry," you whispered lying Harry down.

His arm grabbed yours as you reassured the small Neko before stepping away to turn the fan on. His whimpering had you come back quickly to the bed to pat him.

If he fell asleep on your lap then it would be hard pulling him off -and not waking him while doing so-. So you let him hold your arm as you rubbed up and down his back.

You were quite content to just sit and lull Harry off to sleep first. Once he was asleep then you could begin making your fliers. With as much basic information as you could obtain and a cute picture of Harry snapped on your phone, you believed you had enough to create a lost flier.

In your mind, you wanted his owners to reunite with their lost Neko. But at the same time, you wanted to claim Harry as yours. You were torn inside because of the small cute hybrid beneath you.

Light snores took your attention as you realised that Harry had finally fallen asleep. You were happy.

You smiled down at Harry as he peacefully slept on your duvet. His little hands curled under themselves as his body also found itself curled. "You're the cutest little thing..." you mumbled at the Neko, beginning to stroke his hair softly. "And there's no way I'm giving you up."

The words slipped your mouth before you could stop them.

No (Y/N)! Don't be selfish!

Shaking your head to clear your mind, you stepped up and away to your bedroom door.

You bit your lip as your chest began to lightly tug. Making these fliers were going to be harder than you thought.

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