6th Member

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[6th Member]



Being in One Direction wasn't easy. Especially when you were the only female in it. At first, the resentment for you being around the boys was huge; girls didn't appreciate the fact that you had access to the boys that they didn't.

But as the years went by, and you all slowly came into your own, people -especially the female fans- accepted you and realised that you weren't a threat. You were apart of the family and have been since the beginning.

You obviously weren't going to let people tell you otherwise, and you were strong about it from the beginning. You held onto your dignity and pride throughout these years and it has finally paid off.

Though, with all this being said and done, with all these girls feeling like you were not a threat... there was a slight lie to that.

You were single, that was blantly obvious. But since xFactor, a certain curly headed boy had been watching you. And still was.

Harry Styles first began this crush on you a few weeks after your band had been assembled. He thought it was a faze, and that he'd get over you.

But you were always there. So beautiful and happy. So supportive and understanding.

You were one of the few people that Harry trusted with his life. When he needed to talk about 'girly' issues because the boys would simply mock him for it, you were there. When he wanted relationship advice or an insight of how to approach certain situations, he'd ask you. And when he felt like shit, and just simply wanted to cry on a shoulder with no words conversed, you were always there.

So his crush had built up over the years into a deep emotion that had always been buried within him.

Harry Styles loved you. With everything he had.

You were the one person that would never left him. The person that would never use him, and somebody that understood him on the inside and out.

And every day, it became harder for him to hold his tongue around you instead of confessing his feelings.

"Lads!" You called, poking your head out of the kitchen. "Have you picked a movie yet?"

Harry, Niall and Liam had decided to come over -well, you invited them- and have a night in. Louis couldn't come, claiming he had babysitting duties to attend to. And it was days before your next concert so you were all trying to relax a bit.

"Tell Niall, that we're watching Batman!"

"Screw off! Spiderman!" Liam huffed and pulled the laptop from Niall's lap, which only caused a tussle between the two.

Harry chuckled and shook his head, looking back down at his phone.

You juggled multiple bowls of food over to the large couch where you put them all down. Harry instantly looked up and smiled gratefully at you.

"Thank you love."

"No worries." You ruffled his hair and walked back into the kitchen to bring out the large bowl of nachos. You were so hungry right now it wasn't funny.

Stepping back in, Liam and Niall's bantering stopped until they had both decided on a movie together.

"Captain America?"

"What's with all these superhero movies?" Harry asked as you sat by him.

"Why not?" Liam shrugged as you smiled, watching Niall dim the lights while you all took places on the couch.

Thank god the laptop connected to the television so you all could spread out. Or else this would be a different kind of Netflix and chill.

A hand reached down and you looked over to see Harry grabbing some hot food. He smiled cheekily at you as you nudged him, picking up a spare blanket from the floor and snuggling into it.


It's only been two movies and you found your eyes growing tired. Throughout the first movie, the boys began throwing food crumbs at each other which resulted in all of you moving positions.

And luckily for Harry, you were held near on his lap. Your feet perched in it as his hands ran over your smooth skin. He'd look at you every so often and admired how nice and cozy you were.

Just watching you simply reminded him why he fell in love with you.

With a yawn, you sat up and stretched before rearranging yourself comfortably. And by comfortably, you meant lying against Harry.

The youngest smiled widely to himself and welcomed you eagerly into his arms. Your limbs draped around his torso while Harry fixed the blanket on you both so it held every ounce of warmth.

"Thanks Haz." You mumbled, nuzzling closer against him as he rested his chin on your head.

"Anything for you (Y/N)." And he meant it.


It didn't last thirty minutes until Harry was carrying your almost sleeping being into your hotel bed. He smiled the whole time he carried you, and he admired you as he tucked you into bed.

His fingers pulled your hair gently behind your ear before they grazed over your cheek. Cupping the skin, he leant down and lingered a long kiss on your forehead.

"I love you," he whispered, meaning each word he spoke. And with every word that he did speak, he felt a compelling connection, "I love you so much (Y/N)." Kissing your forehead again, he trailed kisses down your nose before lightly planting a kiss briefly over your lips. "Sleep well baby girl."

Harry muttered, before hesitantly leaving back to the couch where he'd find himself sleeping that night.


Copyrighted 2016.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 23, 2016 ⏰

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