New & Fragile

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[New & Fragile]


Yesterday was pretty eventful for both yourself and Harry. It took a whole afternoon of constant refills for tea and cuddling to calm you down.

Harry didn't mind though. He felt more than happy to help you.

Today was yet again planned for public media attention of the both of you though there was a twist.

Liam and Sophia would be with you.

In fact they already were; you were all situated together to shop today. It was managements request after Harry phoned head office saying he wanted people to back off of you a bit.

Liam wanted to buy for Sophia and Harry had in mind to spoil you as well; so the boys had dragged both you girls into the closest and expensive jewellers that they could find.

Which now happened to be packed with hormonal fans.

Security literally had to create a wall for the four of you as an employee let Harry and Liam browse.

You stood back behind the boys with Sophia as the talking and random yelling of love confessions from the fans kept you quiet.

Loud and boisterous was in your nature. But you just felt so... vulnerable and isolated in front of these girls since yesterday.

Sophia told you not to show them that though, so she did the best she could with distracting you.

"So Liam and I were planning on a trip to Disneyland and would love you guys to come. Harry already agreed so it's up to you now." She smiled as you sighed nodding.

"I'd be honoured-"



Your eyes widened before you pinched your wrist; focus [Y/N].



Sophia turned her head smiling and gave a small wave earning a loud cry of girls getting attention from her.

"Baby," you felt a soft hand take your wrist before Harry encouraged you comfortably between his chest and the counter, "if you had to choose between these," he gestured to both rings in front of you, "which one would you chose?"

Your eyes scanned over both pieces of jewellery before they eyes set on the one closest to your right.

Harry smiled as your eyes stared in admiration of the ring before he looked up at the employee.

"That one." He smiled before hearing girls start up screams again.

You flinched back and looked beside you as Liam also pulled Sophia close to him.

"I-I, I need a bathroom."

More like you needed to intake air to breathe while not being judged.

"Just a few more minutes." Harry whispered in your hair before kissing it. Your head shook as you pulled away from Harry and looked for any signs of a bathroom.

"[Y/N] sweetie, calm down." Sophia came beside you rubbing your arm.

"T-they're so loud." You trembled hiding your face in your hands.

Harry grunted, slightly annoyed at the girls behind him before reaching for you.

Harry took your hand and pulled you into his side before wrapping an arm around your shoulders. The fans behind you all screamed for him, wanting to see what he was doing with you.

His voice quietly spoke to the employee behind the counter before he scoured his eyes around.

"Close your eyes." He muttered encouraging your face into his chest.


"Trust me." His voice seemed to hold such confidence and security in that moment that you could do nothing but oblige.

His warm chest kept you comforted and his arms wrapped around your head as you all waited for the gifts to be wrapped.

Everything didn't seem so bad now. The noise, the girls, even the intense pressure you somehow put on yourself seemed to fade.

"There we are," Harry smiled stroking your hair as he watched you relax in his arms, "I promised I'd take care of you."

"Your gifts." The employee returned handing both Liam and your boyfriend the expensive jewellery.

"Thank you, we'll be more than happy to pay now." Liam smiled leading himself and Sophia to the front of the store as Harry handed you the bag.

"For you precious girl." Your eyes widened at the first unbelievably expensive gift Harry had ever given you.


"Come on." He cut you off following behind Liam and paying for the grand ring.

. . .

Back in your shared apartment for the night, you smiled goofily at the ring on your right hand; remembering how Harry had bought you the gift mere hours ago.

As you sat in the lounge room admiring the ring, Harry zipped up his last suitcase and brought it beside the kitchen stools next to your already packed belongings.

"I see you like your gift." Harry caught your attention as he came into the room and sat down comfortably beside you.

"I love it." You breathed in total awe as Harry watched you. He bit his lip and pulled an arm around your shoulders before taking your right hand in his.

"And I love you." A barely audible gasp left your mouth as you stared at Harry wide eyed, taking in his words.

This was the first time he had properly confessed his love for you; and he realised he had perfectly timed it when your eyes pricked with tears before you had moulded both your lips together.

It was then he knew deep down, that this relationship would last a very... very long time.


Second imagine is dooone! :) |√|

Mummy Nouis xxx

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