Chapter 3: A Secret should always stay a secret

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*6weeks later*

I woke up and my life changed. I have two criminals in a abandoned house and I'm okay with this. School was especially hard today. I didn't get enough sleep and I woke up late missing first period. When I walked into second period, Ms.Clarke asked "Freya? I thought you were absent." I walked to her desk. "I'm so sorry miss. I woke up late and then I was having car trouble so I had to go walking for 2 miles. It won't happen again." She nodded. "Its okay. I'll go talk to your first period teacher to tell her you were helping me during first period and I forgot to tell her before. Go take your seat." I told her thanks and went to my seat. I had to repay her back soon.

* Lunch*
I was eating until my phone rang in my pocket. I saw the number and didn't knew who was it but I answered anyway. "Hello?" I asked. "Freya! Hey its Will um where are you? " he asked. "At school. I have a life you know. Why are you calling me?! People can hear our conversation and record it." "Look just after school come by the house. We need to talk. Bye." I got very confused. I had no time to worry about this so I ignored it until after school.

I went to pick up my instrument from the orchestra room then Mr Nava called me. "What is it Nava?? I have to go now." "I know but I have something to say. Come into my office." I didn't have time. "No. I really have to go now. You don't understand." I ran outside ignoring whatever he said. I looked around the parking lot hoping to ask a ride back home. Luckily I found a friend. "Hey! John can I have a ride? Please?!" I asked him." Sure. No problem." He said. I got in his car and he drove to my house. "Thanks! I owe you!!!" I yelled. When I got in the house Aunt Vickie wasn't home until 8pm so I checked the note she left. Hey Freya, mechanic came by and fixed the car. Keys are in the drawer. Be careful if you go out in streets. Love you Vickie. Finally I could go to see Will and Hannibal. I drove off and rushed fast as I could without getting caught.

A few minutes later, Will called me twice. Instead Hannibal answered. "I bet your at the police station now huh?" He doubted me.

"Hannibal I was at school and I had my car fixed during the day and I had to get a ride home. I never break promises. I'm almost there." I answered being mad at him.

"Every human being is capable of committing acts of great cruelty. Like Will,me, you. Killing must feel good to God too because he does it all the time. I'm just saying be careful around you." His voice was all fancy and scary at the same time.

"I'm outside." I took a breath, I can't show fear in my eyes. I put the phone down and got off the car.

I went inside the house and found Will waiting.

Me: "I brought food."

Will: I thought you wouldn't come.

Me: why? You thought I would tell FBI that I was protecting you and a psychopath therapist? I'll get in trouble for this also so I'm not dumb.

Will and I have been getting along and telling stories. He was a funny guy and nice, not like Hannibal

I felt uncomfortable when Hannibal was staring at me. He kept his eyes on me the whole time I was there. Will and i were talking until Hannibal kept staring curiously. I felt he was going to kill me.

"Will I have yo tell you something. I can't keep bringing you food and missing classes. I won't be involve with you anymore. Ill keep the secret but won't be seeing you. I'm sorry." He was shocked. "Freya I'm sorry but can't you-" I interrupted. "No! Will I can't do this no more! I'm leaving." I grabbed my bag and turned back at the door. Out of nowhere, Hannibal moved in front of me.

"If you cannot keep a secret then you must die." He said.

"Get out of the way!" I pushed him but he grabbed my arms and hold me close. "HANNIBAL!! Don't hurt her." Will yelled and stood at the door. I felt kinda scared of Hannibal. I tried to break free of his hands but I couldn't. He was too strong for me and I also tried to hit him. I couldn't do nothing or move.

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