Chapter 6

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*2 weeks later* *Freya's POV *
I was alive. I felt everything. I woke up suddenly feeling better. I saw myself in a room and beside me was balloons, letters, and flowers and gifts. I called the nurse twice and waited. "Ahh Freya you're finally awake. My name is Susanna. How do you feel sweetheart?" She asked. "I'm okay I guess. Susanna how long have I've been asleep?" I asked her back. She was checking my pulse. "About 14 days since that incident of your stabbing. Should I call your family to tell your awake?" Susanna had that nice smile and attitude mostly people don't get. "Um do you mind if I can call them?" I wanted to talk to them. "Oh not at all Freya. Here's the phone and the number to call. If you need me, press the button. I'll be with the doctor." She left, closing the door behind her. I dial the house phone and waited.

I was scared. What if they were mad? "Hello?" Its was Aunt Vickie's voice. "Vickie? Vickie It's me Freya!! I'm alive!!! I missed you!!" That moment was silent. "Freya?" I heard her cries of joy. " Yeah its me!!! Its me Aunt Vickie ! I'm here!! " I screamed. In the background I heard Vickie yelling "Freya's alive!!! Garret its Freya on the phone!!" Then I heard Uncle Garret saying "Freya?? Sweetie? Are you okay?" I chuckled. "Yes I'm okay! I miss you and I miss the family!" I cried. "I'm so glad your okay. We'll be in the hospital soon. Get some rest." He said. "Okay bye." I smiled and couldn't stop.

I was wondering of something. Will Graham. I hope he was safe somewhere and Hannibal goes to hell. I missed him even though we just met. Mostly I thought why did he kiss me? I didn't understand it.

I called the nurse to bring me some food and snacks. The hospital food wasn't too bad. While I was eating and watching TV, unexpectedly two detectives came in without even knocking. Rude much? "Hello Ms. Colin. My name is Jack Crawford and this is my partner, Dave Jones. Sorry to disturb you while your resting but we like you to answer questions about the night you were stabbed." Uh oh. I turned off the TV and took a breath. "Um okay." Crawford sat down and Jones went outside.

"Describe me what happened in the beginning and everything." Jack asked. I pretend to cry and then told the story.
" i was looking for the address of a friend's house and i was by the woods. Then out of nowhere I was kidnapped. I was dragged from my car and then left in this abandon house. I saw a man." I was talking until Crawford pull out two pictures. Hannibal and Will. "Is it one of these men?" He asked. I looked at Will then I stared at Hannibal and had a flashback when he stabbed me. I remembered the pain he did to me. I cried thinking I was safe with them but he betrayed me. I pointed out Hannibal's picture. "H-h-he was staring at me. Like a hunter would hunt his prey down. I thought I was going to die. Then I managed to get out." I said.

He put the picture a side and howed me Will's picture. "Did you ever seen this man with your kidnapper?" He asked again. It took forever to get over theses questions. I glanced carefully at the picture. "No. Never seen him." I said. "How did you escape?" Crawford asked. "When he wasn't looking at me, I saw a piece of glass near by so I dragged it towards me. I used it and then uses the glass to stab him. I ran as fast as I could but he somehow caught me. He had scissors with him and then stabbed me. I knew that I was going to die and he would dump the body." I cried and couldn't stopped.

This was your going to get Hannibal. Maybe more worse.

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