The Librarian

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'I honestly don't know what I'm supposed to be doing. But I do know that I am here for a reason,' Sebastian thought. He starts the long walk up the stairs towards the demon grand library. He was sent to find a few books by his current master. The books were the least of his problems. His current issue was the contract. It was a difficult one. He didn't even know what to look for. He walks through the large doors that protect the books from the elements in the inferno of hell. He looks around at the library goers. One catches his eyes, a young lady a bit shorter than him. Her bright red hair sits in a pony tail on the back of her head. Her long hair hangs from the black ribbon that ordains her head. She looks up at the shelves. Her red eyes glance over the book spines. He looks up and down her form. She is wearing black heads, black slacks with two chains hanging from the left side of her pants, a black open back vest, a white button up and a black jacket, worn over her elbows instead of on her shoulders. She stands on her heels to grab a book. She looks it over and frowns a bit putting it back. She turns around and their eyes meet.
"Need help finding something?" She asks. He start to stumble on his words.
"Um. Yes. That um, yes. That would be nice, miss, ma'am, Madame-"
"Minerva. Calm down. What are you trying to find?" She says calmly. She walks over to him.
"Well that's obvious," she rolls her eyes, "books on what?"
"That's the thing. I don't quite know."
"Oh god," she sighs, "okay. Well then. We'd better get to work. Why do you need the books?"
"Contract. I need books with information about something called 'Lélek átmenetek,'" Sebastian says.
"Um...... That would be soul-" she starts mumbling as she starts walking. She motions for him to follow. He follows the shorter demon. She heads up a flight of stairs and around to a small locked area. She pulls her keys and looks at him.
"I need an identification card. This section is for superior and higher," she says. She has her hand out to receive identification. He struts to pay his person trying to find a card or anything really. She sighs and takes his right hand. She pulls his glove and pulls a quill from seemingly no where. She then does a quick trace and the words "tea gra ma ton te" show up. She raises an eyebrow and hands him his glove back. She opens the small gate and walks in. She looks at the spines and grabs two books. She hands them to him.
"Your and your contracts eyes only," she says sternly.
"Yes ma'am-"
"Minerva. Please. Use my name, sir," she says.
"It's Corvax, not sir."
"Right then," she nods, "Corvax. Ever need a book just stumble in looking like an idiot," she laughs a bit and starts to walk off. He watches her as she walks, her hips swaying ever so slightly. He huffs and starts to head off, then he stops and turns to see her at another shelf examining the books. He shakes his and heads out. She grabs a book and starts to read through it. She looks over the book edge and watches him leave the library. A light blush crosses her pale cheeks. She giggles a bit. She closes her eyes and imagines the tall Raven like figure of the Prince. She spins a bit and giggles. She puts the book away and starts to skip off. A few demons watch her curiously, including one Derek M Wells. He watches the girl as she skips. He adjusts his glasses with his knife and lets out a small sigh. He keeps a stoic face about. He watches her, only watched. He keeps his form perfect and near in his demon uniform.
"Minera, why do you constantly wear your jacket wrong?" He asks himself. He follows the girl as she goes to check out for the day. She flips her hair a bit and clocks out. She then turns to leave when she is met face to face with the slightly taller man. He looks down at her disapprovingly. She bites her bottom lip with her sharp teeth.
"Hey Derek," she holds back her normal chirp. He huffs and keeps his blank stare.
"I just clocked out. Could I get past you?" She asks sheepishly. She's always nervous around him. He side steps slightly. She nervously chuckles and slowly makes her way past him, his eyes latched onto her. She looks at the ground, nervously writhing her hands. Once she gets out of his line of sight she resumes her cheerful demeanor. She skips along happily. Her thoughts rest on one Corvax and his beautiful red eyes. Red was her favorite color after all! She skips along happily humming to herself. Hell is actually a lot like the shinigami realm, just medieval looking. All the buildings look like they could have come straight from the Renaissance. She spins around and laughs a bit. She then skips up to her small house. It's a simple townhouse style house. She unlocks the door and goes in. She closes the door and looks around the red of the walls. The fireplace sits empty of flames. A few candles lay unlit inside of skulls. They sit around the living room, waiting for their eyes to be lit. She turns the temperature down and sits on her black plush couch with her voodoo dolls. She cuts the eyes off of one and starts to dig around a small drawer of a side table to try and find two red buttons. She sets the buttons on the arm of the couch and pulls the string off of a small bobbin. She threads it and starts to see the buttons on. She hums as she does so. She pulls the string tight and cuts it with her teeth. She sees on fabric for the hair and smiles at the doll. She hugs it tight and giggles. She sets it beside the Derek voodoo doll and lays on her stomach staring at them. She throws the Derek one across the room onto the single chair. She blushes staring at her little Corvax (Sebastian) doll. She kisses the top of its head.
"Such pretty red eyes. I wonder if someone has claimed them. Do you know?" She asks the doll. It doesn't respond. She giggles and hugs the doll, laying back. She sighs and curls up, keeping the doll close.

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