Library of Records

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She takes his hand and walks sleepily out of the shop. Undertaker giggles watching them leave. Grell pulls him along. He sighs and allows her to holds his hand. It keeps her from falling over.  He walks beside her. They almost look like a couple. She leans her head on his shoulder and walks in time with him. She then sees her destination and starts running, pulling him along. He lets out a small yell in surprise. She laughs as she runs. She stops at the door of a small weapon shop. She enters and drags him with. The man at the counter is a reaper. He looks at her confused.
"Shhhhhh!" She puts a finger to her finger and pulls Sebastian into the back room. She opens a door and pulls him through. She then closes the door and starts to lead him to the front of the store on the other side. He follows a bit questioningly. She opens the shop door and takes him onto the streets of the shinigami realm. He looks at all the reapers with wide eyes as they go their ways. He keeps hold of Grell. She smiles and happily leads him about. She takes her time to take him by some famous reaper sights. A few statues and even a garden. He worries a bit. If reapers find out he's a demon and that she is taking him about she could be punished or even killed. He kind of likes her. But he then starts to notice something- the reapers notice but don't don't seem to care. She's done this before obviously. She giggles and drags him along an an almost date. She then stops at the base of a large ridge to a large only building. She smiles and starts to run, pulling him along. He runs along beside her. She reaches the doors where one William T Spears stands. She stops.
"Hey Willy!" She smiles and waves to him. He adjusts his glasses. He reminds Sebastian of Minerva's boss Derek.
"What is this..... Thing doing here?" He growls.
"Willy, I'm helping him with his contract!" She smiles.
"I don't give a damn! You know the rules Sutcliff!" He raises his voice in anger. Not her first time.
"Spears," he growls a bit.
"Why do you treat me like this?" She tears up a bit.
"Sutcliff!" He barks.
"William, I'm trying to help Bassy-"
"It doesn't matter. He's a demon! The fact that you brought him here is enough to have you reprimanded! But the fact that you brought him to the Grand Library?! This is outrageous! Blasphemous! I have been lenient, but not anymore. Sutcliff you have crossed the line! If you do not take this demon back to the human realm this second I will reprimand you! I will file the reports! You will never see the field again!"
"That is it!" He starts to storm off to file paperwork. She takes Sebastian's hand and starts running into the library, holding back her tears. She turns to him once inside.
"What information do you need?"
"Information on 'Lelki átalakulás,'" he says. He stares at her. She's losing her job over this. She nods and leads him upstairs and towards a gated off section. She unlocks it and heads in. She sniffles a bit, wiping her eyes. Sebastian pulls her arm. She is pulled into his arms. He holds her close.
"Why are you doing this?" He asks whispering to her.
"I love you," she pauses and lays her head on his chest, "and I want to show you."
"By losing your job?"
"If that's what it takes. If it takes giving up everything, including my life then yes. I'll give everything, for you," she sniffles a bit. He lifts her chin and wipes away the tear rolling down her cheek. She gives a small smile and lays her head on his chest again. He holds her a moment then she pushes away and finds the two books. She hands them to him and motions for him to follow. He follows her to the library check out area. She checks the books out then hands them back to him.
"All yours," she gives a small smile. He nods and heads back the way they came. She gives a small smile watching him. William enters with two guards.
"Where is he?" William asks.
"He left."
"I just said he left. And before you ask yes. I gave him the books he needed," she smiles a bit. The two guards take her arms and tie her wrists together. She keeps her smile, defying them. They start to push her away towards head quarters.

Charles sits in Undertaker's shop alone. Sebastian slowly walk in and sees the solo figure sitting there.
"Why did you ask me to gather these books?" Sebastian asks a bit furious.
"What do you mean? I never said you had to," he replies back.
"Soul transformation?"
"Do you understand what it is saying?"
"You are Tigrin. Or at least you were and now you're not."
"Yes," he smiles and nods to Sebastian.
"So who is- was- Undertaker?"
"Well that's a change."
"Some have a major change. Others not a lot. And your dear Minerva," he chuckles, "only her eyes."
"No. Not-"
"Yeah," he chuckles. He stands and goes to Sebastian.
"Grell?" Sebastian asks.
"Yeah. Your dear lass is the one that has fallen so hard for you once again. When two demons are mates, or more correctly bound by the soul, it's hard for them to not be brought together again," he pauses, seeing Sebatians saddened look, "what's wrong?"
"She's in trouble," he runs out of the shop.

William and the two reapers escort Grell along across town. Reapers move and watch them. They reach the doors of HQ. William goes to open the doors. Sebastian walks towards them.
"Bas-chan! Run!" Grell yells. He keeps going towards them.
"I can't my dear. I have to return the books. I have gotten the information from them I needed," he gives a small bow, "though, everything makes sense now. Especially sense that talk with Charles. Now I understand. I understand everything. Why things seemed wrong," Sebastian looks at William, "If you let her go, I'll give back your books," Sebastian waves the books a bit. William growls. This just turned into a hostage situation.

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