Dirty Little Secret

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Sebastian looks to either side as he opens the door to the small townhouse. He turns around quickly and locks the door. He looks at the overwhelm of red that covers the walls. He walks to the plush couch and sees a small group of voodoo dolls. He chuckles to himself. He looks to his right and sees the red hair demon curled up with a voodoo doll of himself. It even has a little tailcoat. He goes around to the front of the chair. He leans in and kisses the demons. Her eyes flutter open and she smiles.
"Hey corvy," she smiles.
"Dozing? Quite odd for a demon," he teases.
"I am a wind class demon. I can sleep."
"So can fire class."
"Exactly mr. Shadow class," she grabs the collar of his tail coat and pulls him towards her. She kisses him. She sets one hand on an arm rest and the other hand on the back of the chair. He locks lips with her. She giggles and rubs the top of her nose against his. He picks her up in his arms and sits in the chair, holding her in his lap. She curls against him, hear head resting on his chest. He strokes her hair and kisses the top of her head.
"How did I become so lucky as to deserve a girl like you," he mumbles.
"I could say the same about you," she looks up at him. He holds her around the waist and nuzzles into her neck. She laughs and hugs him a bit.
"I have no idea how mother will react," Sebastian says a bit worried.
"Does it matter? We're together and no matter what she can't do anything about that," she smiles showing her sharp teeth. He chuckles.
"Guess you're right as usual dear," he kisses her temple and holds her close. She snuggles against him and holds the voodoo doll close.
"You and your dolls."
"I like my voodoo doll. I even have him a tail coat." She giggles. He takes a rose from seemingly nowhere and places it in her hair.
"My precious rose."

Minerva starts going through books, sorting them into their places. Sebastian watches her, a small smile across his face. She puts a large book away and he picks up a small one from the cart. He flips through it then sets it down.
"How many of the books have you read?" He asks.
"All of them," she replies.
"All of them? As in every single book?" He looks a bit surprised.
"Yeah. I even memorized what each is about," she puts away and other book, "why?"
"That's remarkable. I find you even more interesting after claiming you my little kitty," she smirks. She blushes and giggles.
"I guess that's what happens sometimes. I mean you did marry me only two months after meeting me," she giggles. She puts a set of three books away. He puts an arm around her waist and pulls her against him. Her hands rest on his chest. She smiles up at him and stands on her tip toes to kiss him. A man clears his throat. They look over and see Derek.
"Minerva, you should be working not having a sloppy make out with this..... Thing," he adjusts his glasses. She sighs.
"Sorry sir," she goes back to putting books away. Sebastian growls lowly at Derek. Derek scoffs and goes off.
"I swear, if it wouldn't get you in trouble I would beat the ever-loving shi-"
"Calm down. It's his job," she puts away a book.
"He still doesn't have to right to treat you like that. Especially sense you are a princess of hell now."
"Not in title. Only your dear mother can grant that," she looks at him from behind her red rimed glasses.
"I'll talk to her about it."
"Yes, because she will approve of a lowly wind class being with her shadow class little boy."
"I have two younger brothers you know."
"And two older. I know that," she sighs, "alright. I get it. You can try talking to her but I don't know what that will do."
"Trust me."

A lady sits solo in a throne in an empty hall. Her dress sits on her chest and drapes to her ankles. Her outer cloak is a blood red and the collar sits like that of Count Dracula. Her hair is back in a bun and has a set of chop sticks sticking out. From each hangs a mini skull. Her pure white eyes watch the hall, spaced out and unresponsive.
Sebastian's normally silent steps echo across the hall. The blank eyes turn into normal eyes with slit pupils and multi colored irises. She looks at Sebastian and her irises turn red.
"Ah, my dear Corvax. What brings you here today," she smiles. He stops and gives a small bow.
"Dear mother, I," he stops.
"What is it dear?" She asks in a caring tone.
"I have found my mate," he says sternly.
"Your mate? What's this mate like?"
"Well, she a bit odd at first but she's very kind, gentle, crazy and incredibly smart. She is obsessed with the color red and she's," he swoons a bit, "she's perfect."
"She sounds lovely! Would I be able to meet her? You know, before anything serious happens," she says. She smiles.
"Of course," he smiles, "I'll go get her if that's alright."
"Go ahead," she giggles at his enthusiasm. He runs off to the grand library. Minerva is clocking out. Derek is scolding her about making out on the job. She sighs then she sees Sebastian running up to her. She smiles and runs to him. He picks her up and spins her around. She giggles.
"Well?" She asks a bit worried.
"She wants to meet you," he smiles. She smiles and kisses him. He takes her hand and starts to run towards the palace. She laughs as he pulls her along. He smiles. She catches up to him in her heels. The lady sits in her throne watching the room. She sees the two running in holding hands. She smiles a bit but her smile turns to confusion. She tilts her head a bit.
"Mother, this is Minerva," he smiles motioning his other hand to her. Minerva lets go of Sebastian's hand and gives a bow.
"What's your occupation?" She asks a bit suspicious.
"Um," she looks at Sebastian then back at the lady, "I'm the sub head librarian of the grand library. I make sure things run smoothly. And I also have read every book in the library personally," she gives a small smile.
"What class are you?"
"Mother, does that really matter?" Sebastian asks, trying to get a subject shift.
"I will not allow my little Raven to marry a simple common demon," she says coldly and sternly.
"I'm a wind class," she says a bit ashamed. She scoffs.
"And you thought yourself good enough for my son? That's quite pathetic," the lady frowns.
"I'm actually a subclass snow," she says quickly.
"A snow sub class?" Te lady becomes interested, "show me." Minerva bites her lip and looks at Sebastian. He nods. She looks at the throne and closes her eyes. She reaches a hand towards the throne and then opens her eyes. The lady starts to laugh.
"You think you have power?" She stands, "you know nothing and are not worthy of my son!" She barks. Minerva motions to the throne. The lady turns and sees the throne frozen solid.
"As a snow sub class I never got the proper training of my powers. So I made a delay so you would t be frozen to the throne," she gives a nervous smile.
"You are still weak. And most definitely not beautiful enough to a queen of worse came to worse. Minerva looks down.
"You call this mate material?! This is no where good enough,"
"Her name is Minerva and she's good enough to me. Actually she surpassed good enough. She is perfect to me!"
"Silence yourself!" She barks. Minerva hides behind Sebastian.
"Why are you this way to her?!" Sebastian yells.
"Because she is not worthy of the title princess and future queen of hell!" The lady turns and sits in her ice covered throne. Sebastian growls.
"I've made up my mind. I did a while ago. She's mine and there's nothing you can do," he takes her hand and starts to lead her away. Minerva tries to keep up with Sebastian's stride. The lady growls and locks her eye so to Minerva.
"You'll pay for you actions Corvax dear." Minerva waits till they are out of the palace before saying anything.
"Why did you tell her?"
"Tell her what? Our little secret? "Because I don't want it to be a secret. I want to shout it from the mountain tops. That I love you and that we are together and nothing will tear us apart," he smiles.
"Corvax. I have confession to make," she says lolling away blushing.
"What is it?" He opens the door to her townhouse. She pulls him inside and closes the door. She turns to him and smiles.
"I'm pregnant."

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