Torn Apart

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'I have been keeping the biggest secret in the history of hell for almost three months now. I make one slip up and everything is over. Mother is already pissed but if she finds out about this- I'll be dead!' Sebastian sighs. He hates secret from Lucifer. He stops and looks at the small bookstore. When Minerva wasn't working at the library she was normally working here. He peeks in the window and sees her at the counter. He smiles a bit. He then goes inside. He has never actually been in there before. He starts to look around at their weird selection of books. He finds the assortment odd. He also finds the demon in the back odd. She wears a black dress that covers every part of skin from her neck to her feet. The dress tapers at her small waist. The collar has a small white band running up and down so it looks like that of a priest. The sleeves cut off at the base of the hand with a white trim. She adjusts the fur Russian hat on her head. Her eyes shimmer a medium blue and her hair is as white as snow. Her skin in incredibly pale and almost looks like she's dead. Her head shifts and her eyes become shrouded by her long bangs as they seep from her hat. She looks towards him.
"Well hello middle Prince," her Russian accent evident.
"Anastasia Macrof, council member. I didn't expect you here," Sebastian replies.
"I do enjoy riddles and this shop has quite the selection. Also I knew I'd run into you," she chuckles.
"You're insane."
"You just figured this out?" She asks.
"Apparently. Though I must ask. How did you know I'd be here?"
"Ваш помощник."
"What?" He asks.
"Your mate, comrade. And don't try to play me as a fool. I know she is С ребенком," she says with a chuckle at the end.
"How do you know that?" Sebastian asks a bit worried.
"Darling, not much gets past me. I am one of the eldest demons alive. Well that can be debated. The alive part anyways. But enough of secrets. Dear Lucifer is planning on holding another Партия."
"She does enjoy throwing parties."
"You have to tell her. If she finds out from someone else-"
"She will kill Minerva either way. She'll probably kill me as well."
"No. She'd let you live. If not just to watch you slowly break from losing your Дорогая любовь," Anastasia takes a book from the shelf and flips through, "then again. She may let her live long enough to have the child."
"I don't understand why she's so against me being with Minerva."
"She's a snow sub class. She wants you to be with someone of your own class."
"Belphegor is a wind class."
"That's different darling comrade. He is her son. Minerva is not her child. But take Minerva to the party. If you wish I can talk to her and tell her about the child. If she reacts negatively it will be to me. Also it will give you two time to run if something goes wrong."
"Thank you Ms. Macrof," Sebastian bows. He takes the book from her.
"My treat," he smiles. She nods. He goes to the counter. Minerva smiles.
"Hey there Mr. Raven," she smiles and kisses his cheek. She checks him out and hands him the book.
"We'll be getting you a dress tonight," he says.
"A dress? You're talking to a girl."
"A fancy one."
"Mother is throwing a party and we're going to go," he smiles. She chuckles a bit.
"You trying to get us killed?"
"No. I just thought a future queen of hell should visit the palace at a party," he smiles.
"Alright. But if something happens its your fault."
"Right then."

At the gala there are high class demons everywhere. The band plays old English waltz songs. Sebastian waltzes with Minerva. She lays her head on his chest as they dance. The side doors burst open to an angry lucifer. She carries a blade covered in blood. She is making a headline straight for Sebastian and Minerva. He stands between them, but so do two other forms. A tall form in a silver suit with black and silver stripes hair stands with Anastasia.
"Move!" Lucifer yells. The suited figure steps forward.
"Who did you kill?" He asks. His voice is cold and stern.
"Tigrin what are you doing?" Sebastian asks.
"Corvax, shut up," he growls back to him.
"Move!" Lucifer yells again. Anastasia pulls a sword and points it at Lucifer.
"Я призываю вас к двойной!" She yells. Lucifer takes a step back.
"You have to accept or you lose your rights as queen," Anastasia says.
"That's suicide!" Sebastian yells.
"Comrade, I knew I would die today. Whether or not by my blade or hers shall be seen," she says. Her voice is calm. Sebastian backs up a bit, keeping Minerva behind him. Anastasia and Lucifer clank swords. Swing after swing they hit and block. Each is going for the kill but neither can quite make it. Anastasia gets close a few times. She's the senior demon. She's had thousands of years more combat experience. She just can't move like she used to. She blocks but sees no way of this ending. She tosses her sword towards Sebastian's feet and let's lucifer hit a fatal blow to her torso. Lucifer pulls the sword out.
"I challenge that THING to a duel!" She yells pointing the sword at Minerva.
"I will fight in her stead," Sebastian says taking the sword from the ground.
"You cannot. That is against the rules of a challenge. She has to fight it unless there is a circumstance in which she can't," lucifer states matter of factly.
"I guess I have to tell don't I?" Sebastian sighs and looks at her, "mother. There's something I have to confess-"
"What?" Her voice is stern and hostile, "she's with child. I already know this. I already killed the messenger and the one who hid it from me. And now I intend to kill the source."
"That is circumstance enough-!"
"No it's not. Not to me. Hand her the sword! Let her die with a weapon in her hands!" Lucifer yells. Her eyes burn a bit. Minerva takes the sword from Sebastian.
"It's alright My love. I'll be alright," she looks at lucifer, "if I fall you are not to hurt him."
"If? No. When you fall. And I never planned on it," she says. Minerva nods and looks at the bleeding out figure of the almost dead demon. Tigrin is kneeled next to her. She's whispering to him. He's trying to keep tears out of his eyes.  Two men hold Sebastian back. Minerva turns her eyes to lucifer and readies her sword. Lucifer readies her own. They stare at each other. Lucifer lunges for Minerva. She blocks and keeps on the defense as Lucifer keeps attacking. She keeps her blocking up and pushes back a bit but never takes the offense. She then switches up her game, taking offense. Lucifer takes defense and is shaky. Minerva gets a cut in on her cheek and one on the leg. Minerva backs up, retaking defense. Lucifer swipes and tries to cut. Minerva takes offense again and goes to attack. Lucifer suddenly takes offense and stabs Minerva in the stomach. She drops her sword. Sebastian's eyes go wide. He struggles against the men who hold him back. Lucifer pulls the sword and smirks. The two men let go of Sebastian. He catches Minerva before she hits the floor. She holds her close, whispering apologizes through his I slight of tears. She giggles softly.
"I'll be alright my love. Just promise me something," she says weakly.
"What is it?"
"Promise you will find happiness," she smiles. He nods slightly. She puts a hand on his cheek and fades away, her hand falling to her side. He lays his head on her chest, sobs racking his body. Tigrin brushes back the hair of the Russian girl. Her eyes close. He remains emotionless now. He looks at lucifer. She drops her sword. Tigrin stands and walks to her. Sebastian lifts his head at the sound of the man's clicking heels. He takes the sword in his hand.
"What are you doing?" Lucifer asks a bit annoyed.
"Proving a point. I hope one of you in attendance will find me in the future. But also another thing. This sword has taken three lives today. I am seeing to it that it shall take one last one and then will never cut flesh again," he says. The demons all look at him. He plunges it into his chest then sparks start to come from his hand. The Sparks are small and don't make much impact. But they hear up the sword to wear it melt. He closes his eyes and falls backwards onto the floor. Sebastian's eyes widen as he stares at the body now on the floor. He had destroyed the sword of Lucifer. She was furious. She growls and yells. She looks at the guards who start to escort out the demons. Sebastian look up at her.
"I hope you're happy now. I hope you're happy with what you've done!" He screams at her. She is taken aback by his tone.
"I am. I now see who I can and cannot trust. You least of all."
"Then I don't think I'll be trusting you either. You've killed the woman I loved. You've torn her from me. And our child. I will never forgive you for this. And I don't think I'll ever love again."

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