'Alex hunny, time for breakfast' Mrs. Ball woke me up. Walking down it was the same thing again, I mean I know Nutellas nice and all but not for the third time in a row.
Walking into schools the easy part when your not social awkward, it took me ages to make a friend at the orphanage. But at a school, coming half way through term 2 when everyone's just made their friendship groups.
'Ohf, watch it.' Some guy ran into me and knocked my books out of my hand great all my note all my homework I need to catch up on all out of order great, ' thanks mate I really needed thes...' 'Omg I'm so so so sorry I gat caught on my own world for a second, I'll help pick them up for you' this guy had the most amazing blue eyes, who the hell is this guy. Shows up out of no where then explains we get caught in his own world.
I thanked him and turned to my locker, which I would have been able to put my stuff away if he hadn't run into me.
Six to the left twenty three to the right and two the left and lift. I put a hook on the door of the locker and hung my bag from it, unzipped the bag and took my books and put them on the top shelf on the bottom self I but my laptop, pencil case and folios.
I opened my school diary to see the classes I had today was a boring day; IT, maths then break , English, religion then thankfully artIT was surprisingly not fun but at least we are learning Python, which is a coding language, and believe it or not theirs only three girls including me in a sea of boys.Maths well is maths nothing fun about it unless I spend the time doodling on my pages which I do, then I get into trouble (well that what happened with the sisters anyway)
Break: walking into the caf. I see Brad and tristan ehh. Tristan is just an interesting person he's a year older then the other guys Connor ( said last night.) I walked over and sat down their, hoping I was allowed to. 'Can I sit here Brad? Do you like mind or Nar?' He nodded so I sat, i dear not talk just in case I said something bad. Connor sat down with his food starred at me like he was lost or something. I lent into his ear and spoke 'I hope you don't mind I haven't really got any friends and I don't want to be the one eating on the toilet' I turned back and looked and my food dealing slightly uncomfortable.
'Eh hem?' It was the guy who ran into me, why is he here is he going to apologise again or did he forget to give my something... apparently not he sat down next to Connor, on the other side of him, Connor was in the middle.Break was super awkward, I really need to find a friend to get away from the weirdness.
Sitting in English was fine for the first 5 to ten minutes before the second bell rang, when the teacher got up to lock the door. But before she could reach the door knob the door swung open and Brad came in.
'Brad your late,' she spoke sternly
'ALEX, I forgot you were in my class' - are you kidding me Brad no, I'm trying to make friends not be an outcast,I though. He ran over and sat next to me.
The teacher gave us an assignment to work in a three, it's about William Shakespeare, who he was and what not, this semester their apparently reading Julius Caesar and something else which I can't pronounce. and thanks to Connor I'm stuck with Brad and some hot jock who plays on the school team, we planned to meet at mine scene they all had been their before. This will surely be an nice break for miss ball, asking for two guys who one I don't know the name of yet come over, but luckily just for homework.*****
The first lesson of religion and I get a pop quiz, well this is a great start, 'Alex, just have a go at the questions' he smiled then frowned upon the next person who came to the door which just happened to be Connor, why is he frowning at Connor, I just stuck my tongue and went to the desk next to Connor,the guy next to Connor, was in fact the hot jock, who seemed to be struggling with the quiz, which I fact was quite easy I mean who doesn't know the Mary McKillop is the first saint of Australia? Or that Paul was known as Saul before his life changing event. Apparently not him.
Lunch flew past ended up going to the library to work on the English task to get in front so I'm not crowding Connor too much.
Lunch finished and I had art, I walked to my locker to grab my laptop and folio. The art department was so cool it had its own little building and everything. Walking up the stairs I saw the blue eyed kid that sat with Connor at break, I'm so confused on who he is?
By the time I walked up the stairs he had disappeared, it turns out he's in my art class, surprise, surprise. I guess I should have seen that coming, I mean all Connors friends except for Tristan are in my classes so far.
Art is my favourite subject, I love how people can just be so free and be able to do what they want with what ever they want, weathers it Lino printing, painting or even photoshop, I just love how people can come up with such cool things. Today's lesson was sketching we had to come up with this thing that portrayed anger. My sketch was a bit weird it wasn't like everyone else the normal faces. Mine was more about the gesture of anger rather than the feeling, so it was of knives, odd I know. But I thought it was cool.
I walked around the room to see others as we were told and some peoples faces were so detailed and others were cartoons. Then I walked pass the blue eyed guys his drawing wasn't of a face, but of eyes, and underneath he wrote, 'the path way to the soul is through the eyes'. That was deep, he also signed his work.
James? Is that the mysterious blue eyed kids name? James?

Adopted by the ball family
FanfictionBeing adopted by a family can change your world forever