Later that night I walk thought the door and who do I find watching avatar but all four boys, great. Hopefully they don't see me so I can sneak up to my room, I told Mrs Ball I was going to be out till late but not Connor. But who am I Kidding he shouldn't be worried anyway. Ok I lied I'm go to the kitchen, I'm hungry I forgot to eat lunch before I left and now ... shit! there goes my stomach.
'Alex?' Louise laughs. I give him a little death stair as to say 'shut up' but it's to late. I can feel the presents of one angry Connor behind me.
'What the hell alex! Where'd you go? Why'd you leave? Why didn't you respond to my calls or texts? Or even Brads calls and texts?' He started to get really mad, I don't understand why he's so mad, actually, scratch that, if he left in a rush I would be mad too.
He still doesn't know about my premonitions, so I can't be like sorry I had to leave my brain decided to got all weird on me.
'I dunno I just needed some air, but how did you know I played?' I questioned. He didn't answer instead he looked nervous, he quickly looked at me then turned to the floor and walked away shoving his hands into his pockets. This family has so many secrets, i need to figure this out, and fast.----
Later that night Connor came up stairs he started to apologise for being mad and explains that Grayson and him use to be good friends until something happened, he wouldn't tell me what though. Instead he ask if I wanted to come down stairs, I could watch any movie and the guys won't complain. - I doubt that very much - that Brad won't complain that is.
I walked down stars in my trackies and hoodie. I went straight to the movie cupboard not acknowledging anyone and stared to look. There were a surprising amount of rom coms and horror movies, but luckily for me, Someone in this house love superheroes as much as I do/did. Louise's dvd collection is fairly big but he even has fantastic 4.My favourite superhero from the marvel comics was captain America, so obviously I was going to grab the winter soldier.
But just to be funny I also grabbed Angus thongs and the perfect snogging and showed it to them. 'Are you serious ALEX! I am not watching a chick flick even if Connor said not to complain' Brad was so poised off, Tristan looked annoyed, Connor was face palming and James just laughed.
'Luckily for you brad I hate rom coms' I laughed as I pulled out captain America, Brad look and probably felt like an idiot as he went a slightly pink, Tristan look relived and Connor was still face palming.
After winter soldier had finished we watched fantastic 4 and a Spider-Man.
Once Spider-Man had finished I went to get up but could not because of a sleeping Connor, he had fallen asleep ON my feet so not wanting to wake him I fell a sleep on the couch, but I turned the tv off first (I used the remote)*****
It was around 12:00 the next day before I work up to the smell of burnt toast and a cloud of smoke.
I walk into the kitchen to find a clueless Tristan trying to fan down the alarm which had just gone off and a Connor scraping the burntness off the toast to eat.
'Are you serious Connor? You can't even make toast with out burning the house down' I say with a laugh, even Tristan thought it was fun because I saw him crack a smile. I have no idea what his deal is but it's starting to annoys me a bit.

Adopted by the ball family
FanficBeing adopted by a family can change your world forever