My Mom's Soccer Girl

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This story is going to be about two soccer players falling in love.

I'm going to introduce the characters.

Johanna Summerfield:

Johanna or Jo as her friends call her is a 14 year old girl who loves soccer. She plays defense and mid-fielder for a well known coach in her town, Duckwater, NV. She loved her team and all her friends on it. She has 1 brother named Jason who is kind of over protective of her. She liked to have fun. One day when she was on a trip with the soccer team she met her coach's son. And everything changed.

Jake Stonedale:

Jake or JJ as his friend call him is a 15 year old boy. He's a Sophmore at Green Stay High. His mom is a well known coach in the town of Duckwater NV. He has one brother named AJ who was going to college next school year. JJ never had an interest in his mom's team until the time he went on a trip to California with them.

Karen Stonedale:

Karen was a well known soccer coach in Duckwater Nevada. She had two sons, Jake or JJ, and AJ. She was Johanna's coach and when they went on this particular trip both the life of one of her players and one of her sons will change.

Angela Vouton:

Angela or Ang as her teammates call her is Johanna's best friend on the team. She has one sister named Ariana. Her boyfriend's name was Tony. She and Jo first meant JJ on this one trip to Cali. This is when everything changes for her best friend. Ang helps her friend thought the ups and downs of their coaches son.

Patty Christiansen:

Patty was Jo's best friend. They loved each other like sisters. She had two brothers named Cory and Jack. Her boyfriend's name is Kaden he was a varsity swimmer the best in his class as a freshmen at Jo's school. Jo and Patty like to make fun of each other and their relationships. Patty plays soccer for a different soccer team named FC WILDCATS. Jo and party don't go to the same school.

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