Chapter 4

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"Come on, I'll walk you in."

Jimin grabs my hand gently, even though his it's still clearly written on his face that he's mad, and pulls me to the elevator. I press the button number 7, the floor where my dorm is located. For a while Jimin didn't utter a single word.

"Are you really okay?"

I nod.

"Did they hurt you anywhere else?"

Then he didn't saw when I was slapped. I open my mouth to answer but the thought of him being mad again crossed my mind. Would it be better if he didn't know?

Jimin seems to sense my hesitation to answer him. He raises an eyebrow and put both of his hands on me shoulder, making me face him. My gaze falls to the floor, afraid. He scans my face and his jaw hardens.

"What else did they do to you?" he asks, his voice hard.

"They slapped me," I managed to whisper.

I glance up at him to find his eyes full of anger, frustration, and regret?

Jimin place his hand on the cheek where they slapped me. I inhale sharply. It's not painful, but it stings a little. His eyes turned into concern.

"Does it still hurt?" he asks, carressing my cheek softly with his thumb.

"N-No, it just stings a little," I said.

He sighs, dropping his hand, and he run his hand through his hair. I stare at him wordlessly. I open my mouth to say something but there is a ding from the elevator, indicating we've arrived on my floor.

I walk out from the elevator and head towards my dorm. Jimin walks behind me silently. I stopped in front of my dorm and turn towards him.

"Well, this is my dorm."

Jimin glances at the door before turning his eyes to me, "I'm sorry I couldn't protect you."

My eyes widen, surprised at his words. I stare at his eyed to find his eyes full of regret. I tear my gaze away.

"N-No, it's alright."

"Go in. Just rest, okay?"

"Okay," I said in a small voice.


I look up at him curiously. Jimin pulls me into his arms and holds me tight. He puts his cheeks on the top of my head. I froze for a few seconds. And then I put my hands around him, patting his back a few times before pulling out from his embrace.

I give him a closed-lip smile, "I'll see you later, oppa."

He smiles at me in return before turning around, heading to the elevator. When he gets into the elevator, I punch my dorm's security code and head in, slamming the door close.


The next recording, Jimin arrived to the designated place before I do. Just as we finished setting up and putting our microphones, the staff told us to go to the supermarket on the building behind us. Jimin and I exchanged wary glances, but remembering what had happened last week, I look away. The last week's event made us awkward. Even the staff seems to notice the awkwardness that hung between the both of us.

"What are we doing here?" Jimin asks the staff before glancing at me.

They didn't answer our question. But they gave us a gold envelope instead.

"Gold envelope means a good thing, right?" I said to Jimin as I accept the envelope.

"Let's just hope it's a good thing," he said.

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