The Delinquent's Haven

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t i t l e : The Delinquent's Haven

a u t h o r 's u s e r n a m e : amsterdam_

c a t e g o r y : Teen Fiction

r a t e d : PG-13

d e s c r i p t i o n : Being moved from foster home to foster home sounds pretty difficult, right? Try being framed for arson, slashing tires and throw in a seriously bipolar teenage boy and see how easy it is then.


r e v i e w : I was going crazy trying to find all the stories that I've read here in the past and it was by far the most frustrating search trying to find this book because it's just that freaking amazing. Seriously. Read it. It inspired me. This book is so wise. Foster family's, suicidal thoughts, violence, twists and turns that no one saw coming.

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