Stolen Jerseys

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t i t l e : Stolen Jerseys

a u t h o r 's  u s e r n a m e : bradmcquaid

c a t e g o r y : Romance

r a t e d : PG-13

d e s c r i p t i o n : "she stole his jersey everyday before practice." in which one sarcastic girl gives a too-cocky guy lessons in hockey, and things turn into so much more.


r e v i e w : Holy crab this story has great character and relationship development. The main characters don't just easily fall in love and it's not love at first sight. Elle thinks Scott is arrogant and Scott thinks Elle is annoying. And it's not to hide the fact that they secretly like each other, no, t's really how they feel and that's they first time I've ever seen that in any book. Totally took me by surprise, this isn't anything like I thought it would be. The author writes the whole book in Scott's POV and it's so well written and different than anything I've ever read. Plus Scott and Elle's relationship is one of a kind, simple, beautiful, and let me tell you I squealed a lot because of Scott's adorableness. And laughed a lot at Connor's dorkiness. A must read. Like now. Go. I'll wait.

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