chapter 13

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Lukes POV

i sat down infront of the door and started to say random things to her until she opened the door.

i hugged her as tight as i could, we walked over to her bed and she laid down.

i smiled... at her, i missed her and our hugs "im sorry" mumbled, she held my hand "its too late"

she lets go and rolls over to face away from me, i chuckled i remember about a while how she keeps rolling away from me.

"what so funny?" she questioned still facing away from me "nothing"i said manly

she faces me with teary eyes "its not funny anymore" she says and rolls back to face away from me

i noticed her bandage, i feel bad for her... its all my fault why didnt i help her?

"are you alright?" she questioned and what suprised me is that I'm crying and she's facing me

"I'm sorry if I'm cold to you it's just because of what you did" she wiped my tears away with her thumbs

"You're way too popular to care about me, just leave me... You do have a reason why you didn't help me, your reputation" she says softly

I shook my head and held her hand to my cheeks "no, I love you" I felt her hand stiffen up

I closed my eyes and waited for her responded "you can't..." She takes her hand away from my cheeks and faces away from me

"Why not?" I questioned, she wasn't talking nor moving, I walked over to the other side to face her she was asleep

I looked at the clock 9:00 pm, oh sh*t still have a photo shoot to cover, I kissed her forehead and ran out.

I closed the door slowly "excuse me" I jumped, I was startled. I looked to see who it was it was a nurse

"Is she asleep?" She whispered "yeah" I replied, "thx, can you sign ?" She hands me a paper and a pen

I signed and took a picture with her, we bid our good byes and I strolled out of this hospital.

I drive all the way to this studio that my manager sent me.

From: Manager

3rd street from the hospital
Turn to your first left and you'll find a building next to a store called "Fashion n Flash"

I rechecked and placed it back in my pocket, I parked my car and jumped out.

Shutting the door I looked for the store called "fashion n flash" there it is!

I walked over there and which building right or left? I pulled my phone out

To: Manager
Dude, which building?

From: Mangaer
Next to the "fashion n flash"

To: Manager
Yah which one? Right from it or left from it?

From: Manager

To: Manager
Okay thanks dude

I stuck my phone inside my pocket and walked to the left side, I opened the door and walked up to the elevator.

20th floor... I clicked and closed the elevator, I took my phone out to check my Facebook and placed it back after the elevator door opened.

I walked along the long hallway and found the sign 'studio' I opened it and found my Manager sitting on the couch

"Yes you're here!" The camera man named Steven "you ready? Go put these clothes on, the door to your right after the hallway."

I nodded and went straight to the hallway and thought the changing room.

It was a bad boy look, love it. It had a white tank top and a vest, with jeans and a rubber shoes.

I walked out of the changing room to find six girls in front of me, shrieking

"Oh my gosh LUKE!" They hugged me and I smiled awkwardly

My manager heard all the commotion and led me to the studio in no time.

we shut the door and I positioned myself, I messed my hair up and posed like I was checking a girl out.

*snap snap* we took few photos and we chose three out of 15,funny huh?

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