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I walked into the police station and went up to the search and rescue/missing persons department. The woman at the desk looked up and surprise filled her eyes. "Wambach, is that you?" she asked. "Addie?!" I asked, just as shocked. I was looking at the face of my high school friend and teammate, Addie Green. "You've switched career paths since high school." I said. Addie flashed a grin. "And you haven't changed at all." she said. "Still as soccer-obsessed as ever, I see." "It's a passion." I said. Addie's expression turned serious. "So what brings you here?" she asked. "My daughter, Thalia." I said. "She was kidnapped a month ago, and today, Sarah and I got a message from an unknown number. The person on the other end sent us a video of her strapped to a chair. Can you trace the number and get my daughter back?" Addie looked into my eyes. "I'll lead the team myself." she said. "Thanks, Addie." I said. "It means a lot." "Anything for a friend." Addie said. "Later, Wambach." "Later, Addie." three more weeks went by without a word from Addie, then at the start of the fourth week, I got a call from her. "Hey, Wambach." she said. "We've got her. Our flight's coming in at 10:00 tomorrow morning." "We'll be there." I said. "Thanks." "No problem." Addie said. "See you then." the next morning, I went to the airport with Sarah and Tobin. I checked the flight information that Addie had sent me, and we found the right gate. As soon as people started coming of the plane, I heard a familiar shout. "MOMS!" Thalia came running off of the plane towards us. I caught her, sweeping her off her feet and spinning her around before setting her down so Sarah could hug her. after Thalia hugged Sarah, she ran to Tobin, who gave her a bear hug. "I'm glad you're safe, Jedi." the tanned midfielder said, kissing the top of Thalia's head. I gave Tobin a look that said we'll talk later. I turned back to the gate, and saw Addie coming off the plane with another girl next to her. "Who's this?" I asked, nodding to the girl. "Oh, this is Jordyn." Thalia said. "She was my cellmate." Addie rolled her eyes. "I don't see how that kid still has energy." she said. "It was a ten hour flight." I laughed. "She's got a lot of energy." I said. "Sarah says it's my fault." Addie laughed. "Probably is." she said. "Thanks, Addie." I said. "I owe you one." "I'm holding you to that." Addie said, grinning mischievously. I grinned as well. "You do that." I said. "What's going to happen to Jordyn, though?" "I can take her." Addie said. "She can spend time with you, but live with me until we find someone to take her permanently." "Sounds good." I said. We went over and briefed the girls on what was happening, then Thalia hugged Jordyn and we split up.

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