Chapter Five

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"Steve tackled the Soc leader, Chase Michaels, I later figured that out, and Two-Bit was chasing the Socs that had a hold of me," Pony continued his story. "They dragged me to the car and shoved me inside on the floor. Two-Bit tried to help me out but they shoved him aside. Jess jumped up and started running towards me. That was the last thing I saw before someone shoved me back down on the floor."

"I chased the car and held on but they knocked me off," I blushed. "I punched a Soc so hard my knuckles were bleeding... Hehe."

Pony grinned. "Yeah? Well, maybe you should've punched him a little harder and knocked him out or something."

I smiled. That was my Ponyboy. "I love you haha."

"Love you too Jess. Anyway, we went down some dark roads and finally we made it somewhere. One of the guys shoved me on the ground and I landed on my leg." Pony pointed to his bruised and bloody leg. "3 guys grabbed me and dragged me inside. The other guy took the girls off to his bedroom and did some nasty things..." He shivered. "Glad I didn't see that stuff."

"Hurry up! I wanna go kick some butts!" Brittany whipped out her blade.

"Okay, I'm almost done." Pony rolled his eyes. "Anyway, the locked me in a bedroom and took turns beating me up. They used blades. It was horrid. I can't believe they would ruin the nice carpet and bedspread with a greaser's blood!" Everyone laughed.

"Then they left me there alone with Chase. He was the one who had some fun and cut my leg. Then he left to go hang with the chicks and I was all alone. My blood was ev'ywhere! Then the fat guy came in and threw me on the porch and told me to leave. I sat there is shock for a minute and tried to eavesdrop on the Socs talking inside. I picked up Chase Michaels when one of the girls was yelling, and Josh, Mark, and Karen throughout the yelling. I started to get up when it got bad, then one of the girls ran out of the house. She helped me up and walked me kind of far. She said her name was Karen and she was really sorry for what they did. She had no idea it'd turn out like this. We were I don't know how many blocks from my house when I saw you guys and I stopped to wave you down. I don't remember much after that except for Jess yelling my name and having a nightmare."

I stared at the floor. "I dreamed you were gone and they had killed you. I never got to say I love you or goodbye."

Just then, Daniella jumped up. "Story done? Let's go!" Brittany and Zoey followed her out the door. Annie Jo glanced at Soda and chased after them.

"Alright, I have to go to work, and I know Soda and Steve do to," Darry stood up. "Two-Bit, you stay here and watch Pony. Jess, you can go with the girls, just make sure you have a blade. Please be safe." He grabbed his lunch off the table and headed off to work. I still had no idea where he worked.

Soda and Steve greased back their hair and left for the DX. Two-Bit helped Pony changed his bandages. I decided to go find the girls.

I found them about a block away, cussing and talking trash about the Socs. They were headed east. This couldn't be good.

"Jess! Ya came!" Daniella grinned. "Guess you couldn't miss a fight, huh?"

"I could, actually, but you would be dead without me," I ran to catch up. We headed down the road to go hunt some Socs.

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