Chapter Ten

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I sat on the picnic blanket and munched on some crackers while I waited for Ponyboy. After what seemed like an eternity, the old pickup rattled up the hill. A door open and Pony jumped out.

He looked totally confused, especially when Darry said, "Go get 'er, tiger." Soda just sat there and smiled really big.

Pony casually walked towards me. "Golly, what is this?!" He questioned.

"Oh, come have a seat." I motioned for him to sit on the blanket.

He plopped down next to me. "Care for a sandwich? Don't worry, it's not bologna." I smiled.

"Uh, sure. But could ya please explain this to me?" Pony was starting to freak out a little.

"Okay. So I know our first date was ruined. I wanted to make it up to you. We've been through a lot, with you getting kidnapped and going to the hospital. I felt really bad 'cause I know you just got over having your 2 best friends die. I'm a kind and caring person, so this is the least I could do..." I started to go on and on, except I heard footsteps.

I whipped out my switch and told Pony to do the same. We turned around to face Soda, Darry, and... Chase?

"Sodapop? Darry? What's he doing here?!" I cried.

"Calm down, little buddy. He came looking for you. Not to hurt ya, just apologize. I'll stand here and guard you, promise." Darry released his grip from Chase's arm.

"What do you want?! Did you come here to ruin this date too?!" I wanted to kill that bastard so much.

"No, I swear. I came to apologize." Chase stepped back.

"I'm sorry, no can do. Socs only have a cold, black, empty hole where their heart should be, and with no heart, you can't apologize," I smirked.

"I actually do have a heart. You greasers just don't see it. Anyway, I came to tell you that my girlfriend broke up with me, I got kicked out of the house, and I'm in tons of debt with the hospital." Chase rubbed his side, and I assumed we had hurt him there.

"I don't know why you hate me so much. Don't you guys live by 'forgive and forget'?" He seemed to be getting angry.

Pony glanced at me nervously. I turned to Chase and stared at him straight in the eye. "You think this is easy? Bein' a greaser? With all of Society hating on us? Thinkin' we're all hoods that always are up to something bad... If you think we have the easy like, why don't you try being one of us for a while, huh?" I grinned. Now here was the other half of my plan. "GIRLS! Come and teach this b*tch a lesson!"

From behind a tree, my girls from the gang came running towards Chase. He immediately darted off. Daniella was faster though, and tackled him to the ground.

Zoey ripped open the bag she held in her hand, and pulled out everything a greaser would need.

"Go change, and we will do a little acting. You be the greaser, we be the Socs!" Annie Jo laughed.

Soda and Darry escorted Chase to the truck to change his clothes. If he didn't do what I told him, I had all rights to jump him.

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