Chapter Seven

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The yelling, blood, and fists went on for a while. I was punching Socs, trying to run, and puking at the same time. I must've passed out because now I was lying on the grass.

I sat up and looked around. I was coved in blood and dirt. Socs were spread out across the parking lot. I didn't see any of my gang, except Daniella next to me. Where had Two-Bit gone?

I rolled over and shook Daniella. She moaned and slowly opened her eyes.

"Err... Whada ya want?" Daniella clutched her stomach.

"Where is everyone? What happened?" I asked with wide eyes.

"Oh shoot... C'mon I gotta getcha home."

Daniella jumped up and helped me up. We ran as fast as we could back home, but it wasn't very fast because we were in pain.

She dashed into the door of the Curtis' house. Soda was on the floor holding a pillow. My gang was spread out on the couch, tending to their wounds. Darry was standing in the doorway, his face red. Two-Bit and Steve were nowhere to be found.

"What's wrong? What happened?" I wanted to start crying. "Where's... Pony?"

Soda stood up and motioned for me to follow him. I ran after him into Pony's bedroom.

Ponyboy wasn't in there though. The bed was nicely made. I turned to Soda, worried.

"Jess... When you were gone... Pony suddenly lost some memory and couldn't think right. I think he suffered a concussion. Two-Bit and Steve rushed him to the hospital. I... I don't know if he'll make it. But I'm not a doctor." Sodapop, who I had never seen shed a tear, was crying his eyes out. He sat on the bed and buried his face in his hands.

I quickly gave him a hug, then ran out the door. I pushed open the screen door, tears running down my face. I heard Zoey yell after me. I kept running.

I ran until I reached the hospital parking lot. I ran to the front desk. The lady looked up, startled.

"Ponyboy Curtis," I looked her right in the eye. "Where is he?"

The lady looked through some files and said, "Third floor, room 309. Knock before you enter, he might be sedated."

I mumbled a thank you before I ran towards the steps. I didn't have time to wait for the elevator. I dashed up 3 flights of stairs and ran down the empty hallway.

The door to room 309 was open. I didn't bother to knock. I burst right in, scaring Steve and Two-Bit. Pony was asleep on the bed.

"Ponyboy! Ponyboy, wake up! It's me, Jess! C'mon, don't leave me!" I cried. Steve pulled me back into a chair.

I must've waken Pony, because he rolled over and whispered, "Jess, I love you."

I jumped up and ran over to the bedside. I kissed his cheek and felt tears run down my bloody cheeks.

"Jess..." Pony rubbed his eyes. "Wha, what happened to you?"

"I fought for your rights," I smiled. "I taught those damn Socs who jumped ya a lesson."

"Nah, Jess, you didn't have to do that..." Pony shook his head.

"Excuse me, but I'll have to ask you all to leave while we run some tests on Mr. Curtis," a voice interrupted Pony. I turned to face a lady who I assumed was the doctor.

"Come back later and maybe you can see him before he goes to sleep for the night." The doctor smiled, "He should be better within the next few days if he is able to sleep off the concussion. It wasn't too severe. The leg will need to be treated for longer. You may pass this along to friends and family."

Two-Bit stood up and nodded. "Thank you, doctor."

I turned to Pony one last time and said, "They ain't gonna hurt you no more. I have faith that you'll get better."

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