Sick days: Freelancer Agents

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Same concept as the last Sick Days part just with the Freelancer Agents instead.

Washington: He's given a lot of attention by Tex and it's made sure by everyone that he doesn't get out of bed.

Carolina: York stays right by her side and never leaves unless he absolutely has too, sometimes the others have to literally drag him away from her.

North Dakota: This time it's Souths turn to become over protective sibling. She repeatedly asks North if he needs anything, even though he says no almost every time and chuckles at his twins protectiveness, South on the other hand isn't amused. All the others find her sudden care for North funny as well.

South Dakota: As usual North is the caring one and makes sure his sis is safe and comfortable and gets her what she needs/wants. She doesn't say it out loud, but she's thankful to have her brother care for her.

York: Carolina would stay by his side but unlike York she would occasionally leave for stuff like training, or a mission. But other than that she can be found next to York

Wyoming: A lot of times when he's sick the others are kinda glad that they don't have to deal with Knock-knock jokes, however North of course, being the caring one, would visit him and give him some company.

Texas: She usually gets visits from Wash when she's sick and of course the Director gets worried as well. She always claims that she's fine but Wash doesn't let her do anything unless the Doctors say that she's all better.

Maine: All of the Freelancers get really worried when Maine's sick, because when he gets sick, he gets REALLY sick. We're talking vomiting, nausea, insomnia, high fevers, all of that. Wash gets especially worried as well as North. They get him water and a bucket for whenever he "said" that he felt nauseous.

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