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Tony is making breakfast today. Thor and Bruce are arguing. Steve is trying to do the crossword puzzle, trying. Clint and Natasha are drawing. Loki walks in to the kitchen to see smoke coming from the stove.

"Tony are you trying to burn the tower down?" Loki asks.

"No, I'm just cooking breakfast." Tony says.

"That's dangerous." Loki says as he sits down at the table. Tony glares at him.

Tony sets the plates down in front of everyone. They all look to Loki. Even Loki is a little on edge about eating Tony's food. But he nods to them and they all take a bite. Thor, Bruce, and Clint spit it out. Steve and Natasha try to eat it, they manage to swallow it.

"So do you like it?" Tony asks.

"Yeah." Steve says. Natasha nods her head.

"Now the truth?" Loki says. Steve and Natasha hesitate. Natasha shakes her head.

"Uh-huh." Steve says.

"It was gross!" Thor says.

"Nasty!" Clint says.

"Horrible!" Bruce says.

"What did I tell you about your cooking?" Loki asks.

"Oh just shut up Loki." Tony says and then he pouts.

"I want something else." Clint says. "So does Tasha."

"What would you like?" Loki asks.

"Something that's not this." Clint says.

"And what about you Natasha?" Loki asks. Natasha doesn't say anything, she just looks at Clint.

"She wants something with fruit." Clint says. "She likes fruit."

"Why doesn't Natasha answer?" Loki asks.

"Oh, she doesn't want to. She doesn't talk." Clint says.

"What? Why doesn't she-" Tony starts, Loki elbows him in the stomach.

"That's fine, she doesn't have to talk if she doesn't want to." Loki says then he gives a look Tony. Tony stays quiet.

Natasha doesn't want to talk. She had a rough childhood. And now that she is a child again, and in a different place, she wants to enjoy it. She has never had a lot of choices in her childhood, she wasn't allowed to talk much, if she ever spoke out of turn she was likely scolded and punished. Now she has a second chance and the right to speak whenever she wants. Maybe she doesn't talk from habit, or fear that something might happen, or she just doesn't want to ruin this with words.

The Next Day

Loki cooks breakfast today. Everyone sits at the table. Tony has a smug look on his face, thinking Loki won't do any better than he did. Loki returns Tony's smug look as he set the plates down in front of everyone. They all take a bite. The smile and eat more.

"This is great!" Steve says.

"Yeah its amazing!" Clint says. "Nat thinks it's good too."

"What so you think Tony?" Loki asks with a smirk on his face.

"I don't believe this!" Tony says.

"Admit it, I'm the better cook." Loki says. Tony grumbles to himself, then yells.

"Well yeah! You're a mama's boy! Of course she taught you how to cook!" Tony say. Everyone gets wide eyes and stares at him, except Loki he just stares.

"Run Tony, run." Bruce whispers.

"Listen to the kid Stark." Loki says.

"Dang it!" Tony yells then he pushes his chair back and starts to run.

"I will kill you Stark!" Loki yells and starts to chase him. "No one talks about my mother!"

"Dude I'm sorry chill!" Tony yells.

"He's dead." Thor says. Everyone nods.

Later That Day

"Why'd ya have to hit my head so hard?" Tony asks rubbing the back of his head.

"I told you, no one talks about my mother." Loki says.

"Mama's boy." Tony says under his breath.

"I will hit you again." Loki says.

"Alright alright, I'll stop." Tony says. Then he adds. "For today."

Loki just rolls his eyes. They walk into the living room to see Thor, Bruce, Natasha, and Steve all standing in a circle and looking at the ceiling.

"What are you guys doing?" Tony asks. They all look at him and then back up at the ceiling. Tony and Loki look at each other, then up at the ceiling. That can't believe it.

"Clint! Get down from there!" Loki yells. Clint is hanging off the ceiling fan.

"But it's fun!" Clint says.

"Clint get down!" Tony says.

"But-" Clint tries to protest.

"Now!" Tony and Loki yell.

"Fine." Clint says and let's go of the fan. Tony and Loki's eyes go wide as Clint starts to fall.

The both start to run towards Clint, but they would be too late anyway. Loki teleports himself and catches Clint. Clint smiles, Loki and Tony just look at him.

"Don't you ever do that again." Loki says.

"But it was fun." Clint says.

"You could have gotten hurt, don't ever do that again." Tony says.

"Fine. But did I look like a bird? I wonder if I could fly. That would be cool, if I could fly. Hey! Put me back up there! I want to see if I can fly!" Clint says.

"No!" Tony and Loki say in unison.

"Aww you're no fun." Clint pouts. Loki puts him down.

"Just go play." Loki says.

"OK, come on Tasha." Clint says.

"We're coming too!" Thor says, all of them run to the other room.

"Well that was terrifying." Tony says.

"You said it." Loki says.

"So, mama's boy, what's the secret with your cooking?" Tony asks.

"I thought you were going to stop with that until at least tomorrow." Loki says.

"I lied, tell me your secret so people will stop making fun of my cooking." Tony says.

"I don't think I will." Loki says.

"Oh come on! You have to!"

"No I don't, I do what I want."





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