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Loki opens his door and looks into the hallway. He looks out to make sure the coast is clear. He walks out and shuts his door quietly. He walks down the hallway, and looks back to make sure no one heard him. When he does this, he run straight into something, or someone.

"Oh sorry man."

Loki looks up to see that he ran into Tony.

"You don't know how glad I am that I ran into you and not Thor." Loki say with a sigh of relief.

"Why?" Tony asks.

"Because he would try and stop me." Loki says.

"Stop you from what?" Tony asks.

"I'm going back to Asgard." Loki says, Tony kind of looks at him.

"Um aren't you like a criminal there?"

"They honestly think I'm dead, but yeah you're right about the criminal thing."

"Then why are you going back?"

"I have to set things straight. But you can't tell Thor."

"Why not?"

"Because he'll try to come, he'll try to protect me. You know, big brother instinct." Loki smiles before continuing. "You see, even when I didn't have Odin, I have always had Thor."

"Alright, I won't tell him. How long will you be gone?" Tony asks.

"If I'm not back by tomorrow afternoon, they throw me in jail, send Thor." Loki says.

"Will do, but try not to get arrested. You're an Avenger now, that wouldn't be good for our image." Tony says. Loki smiles and shakes his head. Tony smiles back. "Just be carful alright man?"

"Alright Tony." Loki says, he starts to walk towards the door. "Cover for me."

Loki goes to the last place that Thor used the the Bifrost to come to earth. He stands on the middle of the circle that was left on the ground. He looks up at the sky, trying to prepare himself for what he is about to do.

"Heimdall, I call on you, this time, I am ready." Loki says.

He waits for a moment then the Biofrot opens and starts to bring him back to Asgard. When Loki is back in Asgard he stands before Heimdall, not saying a word. Heimdall is the first to speak after a long pause.

"You have slipped my watch twice. Once you just rode your horse through the woods, the other time, you screamed." Heimdall says. All Loki can do is nod. "He does not know you are here, but the guards do. They will not treat you like a friend, but like an enemy."

"I know." Loki says.

"And yet you have still come." Heimdall says.

"I have to set things straight." Loki says.

"You should have waited until you injury has healed, they will not care that you are hurt." Heimdall says.

"I know." Loki says.

"They are almost hear." Heimdall says. This time Loki does not say anything back.

Only a few moments pass before four guards come bursting into the Bifrost. Loki doesn't move, he just looks at the guards. The guards run at Loki, shoving him hard against the wall. One gard on each arm. They shove his hands behind his back, his left wrist pushed all the way up until it's in between his shoulder blades, his right arm shoved behind his back so far and hard that his shoulder pops. Pain rushes through his back and to the injury in his stomach. Loki shuts his eyes and clinches his teeth together. He doesn't fight back, he allows them to force him towards the Rainbow bridge and towards the palace, one guard in front of him, one guard behind, the other two holding their grip on his arms.

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