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Loki looks over Tony's shoulder at the computer. Tony has finally figured out the cure, but everything is not as easy as it was before.

"OK so I told you Vritra had perfected the poison. Well she did a pretty good job in making the cure near to impossible to pull off." Tony says.

"What do you mean? Do you need a certain substance that is not found on midg- earth? I could get it for you. Just tell me a realm." Loki says.

"Not it's a little more complicated than that. First off, I have everything I need, it's what I have to do with it to make it work that's the problem." Tony says. "We will have to heat it to 1000°F in less than three seconds. There is nothing of earth that can do that. And I can't invent anything, we don't have the technology yet, but I'm working on it. Anyway, it will be too late for them by the time I come up with something with that much fire power. And to make matters worse, somehow Vritra made it to where they are all connected somehow. We have to give them all the cure at the exact same time."

"Well I can solve one problem, I can duplicate myself, I can give them all the cure. But the other problem is the heat." Loki says. "The only person with that power is Vritra. Remember how your suit overheated faster than ever before?"

"That's it! We have to use Vritra's magic!"

"How in the world are we going to do that? She hates us remember?"

"You hated us."

"This is different. She's not going to help us, she is trying to kill us."

"You tried to kill us."

"Can you just let that go! How are we going to get Vritra to use her magic for us? I'm pretty sure she won't be to willing."

"Well I'm not planning on just walking up and asking her to help us. We'll have to trick her."

"OK I'm with you on the tricking, I'm pretty good at that myself. So the plan is, we'll go find Vritra, start a fight, and trick her into using her magic. Then we'll bring the cure back and give it to the kids. Is that what you're thinking?"

"Well yes, but there's still a problem." Tony says and rubs the back of his neck.

"What kind of problem?" Loki asks.

"Well I didn't tell you everything about the cure. Ya see, um, we have to give them the cure in less than three seconds after it has been heated." Tony says, then braces himself.

"What?! Why didn't you say that in the first place?!" Loki yells and then starts pacing. "How are we going to pull this off?! It's not possible to go to Vritra and come back in three seconds! There's no way we can-"

"There's one way." Tony says, Loki stops pacing and looks at him, waiting for the answer. "You're not gonna like it."

"Just, tell me." Loki says, trying to keep his voice calm.

"We have to bring them with us." Tony says.

"What?! No! No there's no way I'm putting them in danger like that! Think of something else! I'm not bringing them! I-"

"It's the only thing we can do. You want to save them don't you?" Tony says. "Loki, it's the only way."

"Fine." Loki says.

Loki and Tony stand there. Thunder booms in the sky, so loud it seems to shake the tower. Loki glances up, then turns.

"I'm going to check on them they're probably scared." Loki says as he leaves the room.

Loki walks down the hallway, he passes Bruce in the hallway.

"Where are you going so late?" Loki asks.

"I wanna talk to Tony." Bruce says, he is clutching the little toy dinosaur Loki made him to his chest.

"Alright that's fine." Loki says. Bruce starts to walk again and Loki turns walks to the kids room.

Loki walks in to see all of them in bed, except for Steve. Steve is sitting up in bed bundled up in his covers. He is rocking back and forth. Loki walks over and sits on the edge of his bed. Steve doesn't move, he doesn't even look up.

"Are you alright?" Loki asks.

"It's-it's scary. Th-the loud noises. It reminds me of something. I don't even know what." Steve says.

Loki looks at him, he know exactly what the thunder reminds Steve of. The others had told Loki everything about Steve's past, and of his best friend, Bucky Barnes. The thunder reminds Steve of the train they were on when Bucky fell. Loki searches his mind for something to say. He has to try and keep the whole Bucky memory to himself. He doesn't want this five year old Steve worrying like that.

"Steve, it's just a sound. It can't hurt you." Loki says. "Besides, I'll protect you, I won't let anything hurt you."

"OK. D-does thunder sound like this to everyone? Do all people think of the same thing when they hear it?" Steve ask, the fear fading from his face and interest starts take its place.

"Well, yes everyone hears it the same. But everyone will think of a different thing that it sounds like to them." Loki says. Thor hangs his head off of the top bunk and looks at them.

"It's sounds like father's voice when he was mad at us." Thor says. Clint and Natasha sit up in their beds.

Natasha holds up and picture of a bomb that she had drawn.

"She says it sounds like a bomb." Clint says. "I think it sounds like this arrow when it blows up."

Clint holds up one of his exploding arrows. Loki goes up grabs it.

"First off, you'll poke out an eye. Second, you'll blow yourself up." Loki says calmly.

He uses his magic and makes the arrow dissappear. Then walks back over and leans down to Steve.

"See, everyone thinks it sounds like something different. But there's nothing to be afraid of." Loki says, Steve smiles.

Back at Tony's Lab

Tony sits at his desk, messing around with his computer. Then he hears a crashing noise. Tony turns around to see that Bruce is in his lab and he knocked something over.

"What are you doing up?" Tony asks.

"I-I got scared. I don't like the thunder." Bruce says, he starts to tear up. "I-I know it's just a sound. I know it can't hurt me. B-but I....I..."

Bruce now has tears rolling down his face. Tony reaches down and picks Bruce up and set him on his lap. Tony brushes the tears off Bruce's cheeks.

"Look kid, it's OK to be scared. Even I jump when I hear thunder if I'm not expecting it." Tony says.

"R-really?" Bruce asks.

"Yeah, let me tell you a story. When Thor first moved into Stark tower, he jumped at thunder. He was just so used to being able to control it that when he wasn't the one doing it, he jumped. He forgot that Earth can make its own thunder storms." Tony says. Bruce smiles.

"Really?" Bruce asks.

"Yes really! Would I lie to you?" Tony asks. Bruce smiles bigger, he is no longer crying or upset. "Here, why don't you help me."

Tony and Bruce start typing on the computer. Bruce smiling, Tony trying to hold back a smile.

Later That Night

Loki walks down the hall. He finally got everyone to go to sleep. Now he's going to go see if Tony still has Bruce. Loki walks to Tony's lab but stops at the door. Tony is laid back in his chair, dead asleep, with Bruce asleep on his chest. Loki pulls out the smart phone that Tony gave him and takes a picture.

"Payback Tony."

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