Tag! You're it!

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Hey guys! I've been tagged for some question thingy. The person who tagged me was Ryan_McShizzle. Onwards!

_-The Rules-_

1. You have to post all the rules.

2. You have to tag 13 people.

3. Each person has to say 13 things about themselves.

4. You have to answer all 13 questions, as well as make new ones for the people you tag.

5. Please don't skip tags.

6. Tag back are allowed.

7. If you don't do it within a week, you have to do something I tell you to do.

8. Be creative with the title.

9. Put it in a book, not the comments!!!

_-_-My answers for Ryan_McShizzle's questions-_-_

1. What country do you live in? USA!

2. If you go inside any book, which one would you choose? I think I would go into the books of the Septimus Heap series. If you haven't read it, you definitely should.

3. What's your favorite song? I don't really have a favorite song, it changes every few minutes. But while writing this, its definitely Sippy Cup by Melanie Martinez. Two days ago, it was Emperor's New Clothes by Panic! at the Disco. A week ago it was Love Like Winter by AFI. That's the best way I can answer this question. Hahaha!

4. What's your favorite color? You guys already know this one, but it's black. (Like my soul.)

5. What's your favorite movie? The Nightmare Before Christmas is my all time favorite movie!

6. What's your favorite food? Macaroni! The ones that come in shapes!

7. What's your favorite book series? I think it has to be the House of Night books.

8. What's your favorite FanFiction on Wattpad? I don't really have one, but the closest to being my favorite is Awkwardly Adorable by kpgcatlover.

9. Who's your favorite Marvel Superhero? I've gotta go with Deadpool. I don't care what anyone else says, he's a superhero!

10. Who's your favorite DC Superhero? The Joker and Harley Quinn will always be my hero's!

11. Who is your favorite person on Wattpad? That would be snerson, or as I call them Mama Waffle.

12. Do you speak any other language then English? If so, what? I can speak a little bit of Spanish, Brazilian Portuguese, and I don't know if ASL counts, but some of that too.

13. What are your hobbies? List 3. I love reading and writing, but I'll add three others. I like to skateboard, coding, and improving my marksmanship.

OK, my questions are...

1. Who is your favorite YouTuber?

2. Where is the one place you want to visit the most?

3. Who is your favorite band?

4. What's your favorite season?

5. How do you eat your Oreo's?

6. What color are your eyes?

7. Villain or Hero?

8. What's your favorite card in the deck?

9. What's your lucky number?

10. Disney or Pixar?

11. Whats your favorite Loony Toons character?

12. What's your favorite TV show?

13. Paper or Plastic?

OK, now for the tags!














Good luck people!

Well, your next update is coming within the next 48 hours. Bye!

~ Allure Crimson ~

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