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{9 Months Later}

(Okay, I know this is fast but. Just bare with me okay?)

"Hayes!" I yell. I feel like the baby is coming. My stomach is huge. I feel like i'm going to explode.

Hayes rushes into the room, "What? What's wrong?" He asks.

Well, during the months. We moved out of New York, moving back to North Carolina. Hayes and I already got settled in our house. We have a 5 bedroom and 6 bathroom house. With a outside pool and jacuzzi also a basement and an attic.

We already have a nursery room, and a play room. We both don't know the gender of the baby, we wanted it to be a surprise. We also have a baby room. There a crib in the middle of the room. The room, has light grey walls. There are books in a bookshelf in the corner.

"I think the baby's coming!" I scream. I was in pain. Then I feel something wet. Fuck. My water broke.

"Oh my god call 9-1-1!" I yell.

"My water broke! Hayes hurry!" I yell.

"Okay they're coming!" Hayes yells back.

Then like a few seconds later the paramedics come through the door, taking her away.

"Babe, I'll be there okay?" I tell her, she nods.

Once the ambulance leaves, I get in my car rushing to the hospital.

I get out the car, seeing the ambulance doors closed. So Hailey must of been taken inside already.

"Um, Hailey Dallas?" I say at the counter.

"Sorry sir, she's in labor right now. But she's in room C42." The lady says I run away, calling Hailey's and my parents. Which they are sleeping right now, it's like 3 AM.

I get to the room, the door is open. I run inside just before they close the door.

"Oh hello Mr. Grier." The doctor says.

"Hello, Mr. Gomez." I say, walking over to the bed, I held Hailey's hand.

"This is going to be our child babe." I smile at her. She smiles back.

"Okay Hailey. One more push!" The doctor yells, then we hear a baby cry.

"Oh my god." Hailey says out of breath. She was crying.

"It's a boy." The nurse says.

Hailey and I smile.


Hello. Um the last chapter didn't get 5+ likes.. So I can tell people are getting bored or no one is reading. Like I'm sorry ha. Well if this gets 5+ likes I'll update again. And there's going to be drama in the next few chaps so.

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