Chapter 1

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  Playing sports, taking pictures, and writing. The three biggest things that mean something to me dearly. Sometimes I wonder how my mom can manage cleaning, reading, cooking, singing, and sewing. To me, I think that she can have more fun outside rather than in the inside. I will say that my mom is awesome and has a the best personality.
My games are about one hour away from now. The boys are suppose to be there to watch during our soccer game. Well I play a few different sports;  soccer, volleyball, track, and basketball.  My favorite sport is soccer and volleyball. I love to run. The uncertainty is astounding. Ever since I was a bae loved it.
   Mom and dad are currently sitting on the couch watching TV. Anyways, I just woke up and I am getting my jersey on. My first couple games are for soccer then its volleyball for the rest of the day. I put all my volleyball stuff in my sports bag. Then I put on my sports bra on and shorts then my jersey. I putting my hair up in a ponytail and braided the tail on my pony. My hair is long, it goes to my belly button. My hair is a golden light brown and my eyes are green. I'm 5'4, tall. I go into the living room and notice my parents talking about me. "Oh, sweetie your up that's good." Mom says. "Yeah, I think." I then say.  "Are you happy that you have tons of games today for soccer and volleyball?" Dad asks. "Well kinda, are you happy to?" I ask. "You are a superstar Manna." Dad says. I shake  my head while going into the kitchen. I grabbing apples, oranges, and water bottles. I put the stuff in the table. "Hey Manda.." Nola says. "Hey little sis. You okay?" I ask. "Yeah, I wish that I was as good as you in sports. Your so good at it and I just am horrible." Nola whines.
  Going into my room I grab both my soccer and volleyball bags. Then run back down the stairs and put my sport bags into the trunk and head back into the house. "Dad we have to leave soon. The game starts at 7:30 AM." I say. "We are almost ready sweetie calm down. Your gonna be great." Dad says.

We got to the fields and my best friend is already here! Yay! Her name is Julie. "Oh my gosh Mands! Look their! They are so sexy." Julie says pointing her finger towards the boys. "Oh my, Jules stop." I say laughing.
I put my soccer bag with my teams stuff which we are the Thunder. Anyways, I grab my soccer ball from in my bag. My soccer ball is minty green with black stripes going around the ball. Jules and I are passing the ball back and forth until she kicked the ball away from us. As I am running after the ball I bump into someone. "Uh gosh. I am so sorry." I say. "No need for apologies. What's your name?" This guy asks. "Maranda and yours is?" I say. "My name is Braxton. Well nice to meet you so what field are you playing on?" This guy named Braxton says. "Field 2 over their. I should go I have a game starting in 5 minutes." I say. "Would it be okay if I watched you after my own soccer game?" Braxton says. "Ya totally." I say running off back onto my field, he was watching me run back to the entire time. "Haha Manda....that is so cute. What the heck is his name?" Jules says. "Oh totally did that on purpose! You are the weirdest best friend." I say smirking. "What is his name!?" Jules whines. "Braxton?" I say unsure. Am I suppose to remember his name? "Oh my. His name is as sexy as he is!" Jules clarifies.

The games seem like it took forever but they eventually ended. Now next is volleyball! Yes I've been waiting this is so so amazing!!! "Hey remember me?" Braxton says. "I'm sorry have I ever met you?" I say sarcastically. "Ha ha very funny. So you are pretty good at this soccer thing. Maybe one day me and you could like VS each other. See who'd be better then who." Braxton says. "You think? Okay, well I got to go to my volleyball game right now." I say. "Well do you want my number or can I have  your number?" Braxton says. "Here let me see your hand. Call sometime. But I really got to go." I say. "Where's your game?" Says Braxton. "St. Mount. Third court." I say running away. "You sure must love to run we just met and you ran away twice." Braxton yells after me. "Yeah well I am a very busy person Mr. Braxton." I yell back.

The games for volleyball are over and done with tomorrow is a free day because I don't have any practices for any of my sports. Yes! I have been so waiting for just one lazy day. When I got home I took a shower and got into bed. My phone went off.

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