Chapter Five

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Liam's POV

I got a date with Niall!

I smiled to myself but it fell as I remembered what he said about himself.

I can't believe someone as stunning as him wouldn't think he was beautiful. But I'm going to remind him every day. That's a promise.

Maybe I'm moving a bit too fast...

Eh, I don't mind if he doesn't.

As I walked away from him, I felt his eyes on me. I felt a little blush spreading across my face. It's amazing that just by looking at me he can have this effect on me so easily and quickly.

I climbed in my bright red convertiable. I started it up and heard the engine purr. Being rich does have it advantages. I started down the familiar route home. I can't wait to tell my mum.

Before you ask, yes, I know how whimpish that sounds but I have a very strong relationship with my mom I can tell her anything. That's why it was so important to me that she accepted me when I came out.

My dad knows and supports me as well. Along with my sisters.

I've always been proud to be bisexual except one time when My older sister, Ruth had a boyfriend that she was dating all through high school,and he said that I was disgusting and he beat me up. Ruth broke up with him after she found out, but I still felt pretty bad because she loved him.

I pulled out of my thoughts as my house came into view. I parked and hopped out quickly. I sprinted to the front door and sped walked to the kitchen. I saw my mum cooking over the stove.

"Hey, mum, guess what?" I asked cheerily.

She turned around and smiled. "What is it, honey?"

"I got a coffee date tonight," I stated as a matter of factly.

"Ooh, boy or girl?" She questioned while turning back to the stove to stir something. I chuckled.

"Boy. His name is Niall and he is the most gorgeous person ever," I said dreamily.

My mum raised an eyebrow. "Am I right to assume that he knows that he's good looking? You know, the cocky type?"

I shook my head sadly." No, he doesn't believe it. But I'm going to remind him evefy day," I swore.

"That's my boy. Always being a gentleman. I knew there was a reason we had you," My mum joked.

"Hey! That went straight to the heart." I pointed to the place on my chest where my heart is.

"Mhm, okay, Liam. Now shoo- I have to finish dinner. We are having chicken alfredo," She said and I kissed her cheek and walked down hall to my room.


After dinner I decided I needed to text Niall about that date. Time to nut up or shut up.

I picked up my phone and scrolled to his number.

'Hey, beautiful. It's Liam. How about we go have that date you owe me? :)' I texted nervously.

I almost immediately got a reply. 'Sure! where and when do you want to meet?'

' Hmm, does that little coffee shop on the corner by Payless?' I suggested.

'Okay, see you then!' I could practically see his amazing smile.

'Sounds good gorgeous ;)' I sent and started to get ready.

I picked out a blue and white plaid shirt with dark blue skinny jeans. I checked my hair and decided it was the best it was going to be.

I bounced down stairs and put on my white trainers. I called out a good bye and skipped to my car.


I walked in and looked for the familiar mop of blond hair.

Once I spotted it, I made my way over. "Hey, beautiful. How are you?" I started the conversation easily.

"Hey, Liam, I'm goodn How about you?" Niall asked, but I was to busy gawking at him.

He was wearing a dark blue polo with tan chinos and white Suprus. Simply perfection.

Niall snapped his fingers in my face. " Hello? Anyone there? I asked a question like, five minutes ago!" He laughed. His laugh was like bells, beautiful.

"Sorry, Niall. It's just you look amazing," I explained and his cheeks turned crimson. He smiled at the ground. I frowned.

I tilted his chin up. "Hey, now, don't hide your smile now. If you're worried about those teeth, I happened to think they are adorable," I assured truthfully.

Niall smiled but this time up at me. Butterflies erupted in my stomach.

"Okay, Liam. I won't smile at the ground anymore. So, shall we order?" He mused. I nodded and asked what he wanted when he told me, I got up and ordered for us. The barista was a pretty blond that winked and gave me her number.

I rolled my eyes and made my way back to my seat. I saw Niall and my world deemed. Niall had tears in his eyes and was trying to hide behind his short hair as much as he could.

"What's wrong?" I questioned.

"If it wasn't for me, right now you could have someone like her. She is beautiful. You deserve someone like her," Niall whispered and my chest tightned.

"Niall she may be pretty,  but nowhere near as beautiful as you. If anyone deserves better, it's you." I told him firmly.

He looked at me and I leaned in.


Ah! cliffhanger. Sorry, guys. I couldn't resist.

Anyways, I was bored and in a good mood so I thought I would post this.

Okay so please vote, fan, and comment!

Love you!


We found love..... in Wal- Mart? *Niam Horayne AU*Where stories live. Discover now