The Next Window

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I have been tired for some time now. Roming around what I call a jail cell. So many countless years I have been here, doing as I am asked of. Not the way I had ever imagined eternity that is for sure. Within these years I have become hollow though. There is no other result to a matter like mine. The life I once had was far from being my past now. I hardly remember why I am even here.

Thankfully though, there are a few possitives effects of being here. You cant feel the cold or working so hard you physically hurt yourself. Or feel pain, physically or mentally. You are never feel hungry or thirsty and need the bathroom for anything was out of the question. Why need it if you are forever stuck the way you are. Clean or dirty. The clothes were different. We could change them with just one thought about it. Why this logic never worked for other thing was beyond my knowledge. And yet, here, we know everything there is to know about the humans.

That is part of our job though. We are asigned windows. Each holds the image of what the owner does in thier daily life. We much choose those who holds power in saving us. The elders would do this themselves if there werent millions of windows to view. And once we found a person who with holds that power we are to do all we can to get through the windows to bring them here. A horrible turn of events for those poor souls. Sadly many could never help us. Not because we chose wrong, but we were doing this all wrong. Power comes with weakness. And that weakness was love for life. Take away life and there is no savior.

I sat on my bed, not that I used it much. We didnt need sleep but we did need rest. My thoughts bored me. Thinking of the windows I had been asigned to for today were sure to be tedious as always. A few I kept from yeaterday for a longer observation. But usually I knew with one look at the person. Irested my back on the white bed and looked at the ceiling.

Everything in my room was plain. No color or decorations. Just my bed and the windows covering every inch of the walls. No door. We never needed one.

"Demetri, your break is over." Pandora spoke with authority. She had reason to. She was part of the elder group. I sat up to look at her for the millionth time, no joke. She wore a long silvery dress making her dirt blond hair glow. Her complection as pale as mine.

"Thank you Pandora." But she wasnt done.

"Have you found any yet? I find it odd that it has been days with out even one from you." She knew I didnt like how we were doing things. I often barged in on a meeting trying give them my reasons and other options. Yet I always failed.

"You know getting through is harder now. But no, I have found none so far." She eyed me suspiciously.

"Demetri, you know the cost if found guilty."

"I have nothing better to do except to at least try." I stated with honesty. She smiled, pleased with my reasurance. And then desolved into nothing. I stood up and faced the many windows. So many faces, so many personalities and different lifes. So many different actions and reasons for them.

I started with the top one in one of corners of the wall. And no, I didnt need a ladder. We were able to glide in the windless air around us. It was to give us an advantage to getting our work done. As you see, it comes quite in handy.

The first window held the immage of an african male. His eye bows thick, pupils black like coal. His face structure was lean and hard. His name was carl, a tough man. He had a wife and children who either feared him or were against him. He worked a buisness and was unforgiving. But that is not why I kept this window. Not only were men disqualified right away but he could save no one there, never mind any of us. It was his wife and daughter that held me from ignoring this window. It were the woman. I havent seen them up close yet and there for had no idea if they did qualify. Looks like I wasnt going to see them either just yet.

I have had to deal with these cases on a few occasions they were never easy. The men were so conceded they blocked the view of the woman. In return, I would have to scare them.

I went to the next window looking deeply into it. It was morning there. A caucation woman apeared. Her feature suttle and soft yet wrinkling in age. Her name was Sara. She was fifty six, kind and understanding. Her heart was plastered with giving yet her heart was also too old to carry our burded. She was quickly disqualified. Secretly jelouse of her, I wispered "Live the rest of you life in happiness, Sara." And then thewindow disintegrated.

Going through 100 other windows just like Carls and Saras, I finally found one that caught my attention. My eyes widened at her sight. It was dark, hard to see her restless body sitting in her bed. She had long dark brown hair that was pulled into a single braid hanging down the base of her breast. Her slender body was covered in long blue pajama bottoms along with a pink tank top. Her room held a few pictures. One of an angel, another of two you children holding in childhood love hands and another of a cartoon character which seemed to be Bugs Bunny.

Her name was Emily Moore. She was of age to be on her own. Age nineteen to be exact. She had passion for love and happiness, for kindness and generosity, for peace and harmony. She had spirt for all and loved poetry and music. Each spoke to her with clearity. Emily had power of own will, courage and determination. Yet she puzzled me greatly.

Emily sat on her bed in silent tears. And for the life of me, I couldnt figure out why. I knew she felp pain. Something about her life made her feel hatrid at such a high level. She worked two part time jobs, took care of her two younger cousins on a regular basis while dealing with her ungratwful uncle. Her mother, who was her only friend, was gone. She held a heavy pain of loosing her mothing to cancer and her father to pure will of not wanting to be around. Yet that wasnt the only reason her heart was heavy.

She stood up to look at herself through the window. We stared at eachother for a long moment. Well not technically. She had no idea I was there watching her. She could only see herself. it was like a one way mirror. Her eyes were red sore and wet. I got a chance to look dead into her bright green, blue eyes. Her buttoned nose with rosey cheeks. Her lips were plump and moist. The tears reached down in long stains to her pink lips. She licked a tear from her mouth oddly, which seemed to only produce more tears to stream. I wanted to go through the window, tell her everything will be fine.

Hmmm. That was a very weird thought and want.

I shook my head to clear my mind. I knew what I had to do. And I wasnt sure if I wanted to.

That was odd also. What is the matter with myself? of course there were all the times I felt sorry and broken when I brought them here. But this was different. I wanted better for her. And I couldnt bring myself to do what was needed. Why was that?

I no longer needed to look at the other windows. Emily was going to be my project for as long as it takes me to get her here. But like I first said, I couldnt bring myself to even start the process. If I was being honest, I would blurt out that I wanted hide her from the elders knowing of her. But they would know if a window was missing. And once Pandora comes to collect information, I wouldnt be able to stay secretive for long.

I could pretend that I havent found her. Risk someone else seeing potental in her. They always had some else check the windows twice. Just to make sure. Maybe I could pro long it, making it seem like a lost cause. But that took the same risk... I was in complete and utter confusion. And I couldnt comprehend it.

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