No Help

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Out of...fear? Hmm.. I am not sure I ever felt such a thing ever before. Anyway, before I continue to my work, I felt it wise to visit an old friend. There was a time that the Elders thought it were the men destined to be thier saviour. The friend I am about to confide in is no other than the one who brought me here. We became friends, once I lwarned how to shut my emotions off like a switch. Clearly, I needed to learn all over again..

I closed my eyes and immagined his short brown hear, black eyes, pale tanned skin sitting by me. His room looking the exact same except for one flaw. Unlike my one window, he had absolutely none. Simply because once a savior is found, every worker gets a break until the one who found her is successful. My body shifted ever so slightly as it changed my surroundings. I opened my eyes then.

He sat on his bed, more bored than ever.

"In what do I owe in such an occasion that you arive, my friend?" William asked.

"I wish to confide in you." I spoke in a simple matter. He adjusted himself to more of an errect posture. A sign that he was ready to listen. But I couldnt start. I didnt know where to start.

"I immagine it to be about the fair maden that you found." I looked over in his direction baffled.

"How?" I asked. He knew welll what I meant.

"Demetri, how long have we known one another again?" He didnt wait for an answer. "Long enough for me to see any difference between the normal and this. Where you stand here infront of me when there is work to be done. You never wasted time, until now of course." I sighed. He was no more or less than correct.

"What are my options?" I decided to get right to the point.

"I am afraid to say your only option is to do what you have always known to do. If you resist, they will hand her over to someone else. And as for you..." He didnt have to finish. If we resisted or found guilty, than you were sent to a place any would fear. A darkness not heard of than here. A darkness that brought fear, confusion and anxiety. You wouldnt be able to move a muscle. You are left with only your thoughts, memories and emotions. Even here in this jail like imprisonment was far better than the sound of that. Either that, or you were sent strait to the center of the earth. Where the heat is far unbearable, to slave for no other than the creator of what is known as hell.

"Surely you may not understand my possition. William, it isnt easy as said."

"I surely do understand. You know Jessica Anderson. Why do you think they took her from me? They told me I tried anything to stop the process than I was to be bound to hell. And she would be alone to dealing with being her. I couldnt leave her. And the thought of someone else...i bearly mannaged to stay away." He spoke in a distant emotion. One I was only learning to comprehend.

"How are you still here then? We arent suposed to have emotions for them and once we do we are punished." I stated. He snapped his head my way. Worry was deep in his eyes.

"I had to pretend my emotions are off. From the moment they took her, I had to show them I could still work efficiently. They had me under constant watch. They still wanted me gone, to not take another chance...It was Pandora who fought for me." I shook my head in disbelief. I didnt want to believe that there was no away around this. I didnt want to believe that Emily is doomed like the rest of us.

"There has to be something I can do." I stated, not ready to give up.

"Than my friend, your time here has been wasted. I have no answers to help you...i never found any answers." Disapointment swept across his face.

"I thank you for your time and silence." I waited for a reply. Hoping he would mind his tongue and keep this visit a secret. William nodded his head, my cue that I had his word. He was upset with me but I had no time to worry about why.

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