A New Way

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So I have decided to try something different. As in putting a chapter in Emily's POV? I was thinking it would be nice to see things through her eyes for a change. Hope you guys enjoy!




FAN!!!!    <3 I really hope you guys like this chapter






**** Emily's POV ****


I awoke with an odd feeling in my cheeks. Like they were sore, as if I were smiling throughout the night. Which would be odd. I never smiled. Not an actual, real smile anyway. It has been over a year since the last time I had an actual smile. Every since...


I sat up in bed, too tired to completely open my eyes and let myself wake. It was the weekend, in which Kelly and Andria were in thier rooms sleeping in just as I was. I loved the weekends because of this. Unless I had to work. But cant who can live without any kind of suport? It would be like sendng a complete ignorant person into the wild with nothing but the clothes on thier backs. They wouldn't survive.


Reaching under my pillow, I pulled out the picture I took of my new ghost friend. Looking down at it, I smiled slightly. I used to think my mother was a bit nuts when she talked about ghosts and how to catch them. But no matter how many times i looked at the picture, the same white mist that formed a young man sitting on my couch when there was absolutely no one visable to the naked eye, it never disapeared. At first I thought it was my imagination. Maybe I was just being silly about it. I mean, hearing knocking was crazy enough. But the picture was proof.


The mist collected into a blue shirt form, disapearing a bit at the neck and then his face features were hard to make out. But i could still see his blue eyes, dark hair comed back as they had back in the 60's? I wasnt quite sure what year his style of hear was from, but it didnt look that bad on him. The rest of him was beyond hard to make out.


Randomly a name came to mind. Demetri... I shook my head. Why would that name of all names came to my mind was beyond my knowledge. I knew absolutely no one by that name and havent read any books recently with that name. So again, why that name?


I liked the name though. The way it rolled off my tongue was like... easy.


Shrugging it off, I reluctenly pulled myself out of bed and walked over to my dresser. A nice hot shower would wake me up with a fresh start of the day. I enjoyed the mornings even though I utterly hated to wake up at all. Eh, no one is perfect, am I correct?


Once I was dressed in an old pair of fadded jeans and a long sleeve, white shirt with a pink under shirt, I decided to see who else in the house was awake. It may be near noon time, but everyone here could sleep the day away.


I walked into each of thier rooms, peeking first. Both the girls were awake they almost jumped me to get me to make breakfast. Or in thier words, a brunch since breakfast was long past due. But I hate cooking. I am accident prune. And even with the simplest food to make, I can and will mess it up, one way or another. Although I cook dinner every night. I have to show the girls that I can do some kind of cooking. Even if its not always edable.

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