A Wonder

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Emily took one more look into the window, examining her sad features and then turned her back. I watch intently as she reached and opened the top draw to her dresser. She didnt have to search much, despite the darkness that confound her small bedroom. In her hand, she pulled out a small, green, leather book and a pink pen. It was her journal. She has kept one ever since she moved in with her uncle last year. When her life seemed to have fallen apart. Though, despite her new road, she was greatful. She still had a home, family and a few friends. To her, that was all she needed, yet her tears suggested otherwise. She still had dreams. She wanted to learn to play as many instrumentsas possible, she wanted to learn of life under the sea and one day find a husband and become a loving mother. She wanted to try to be a successful laywer or a teacher. She belived in justice along with children being thier future. And to fix life now was to start with them.

I built up the courage. I had to start. I still found it beyond odd that I was still hesitating. Never have I once before.

She sat back on her bed and begam writing on the next clean white page. Her pen scribbling in a hurry. I slowly lifted my fist and knocked on the window. As expected, she dropped her book and looked in,my direction. Fear swept throught her quickly, but she then replaced it with calmness. She stood up and walked past the window. I saw the corner of a door apear. Realization hit. She thought some one at home had knocked. Well technicaal that wad true. Just she wasnt expecting a new logic in life to come about. After she realized it was no one from within the house, she closed her door and went back to her journal. I knocked again. This time she froze.

"H..hello?" Her voice was soft and gentle. Confusion ran through her veins. She knew it couldnt have been someone out side her door. Everyone were fast asleep. Which left her with two other conclusions. One: it was a ghost. Two: she had lost her mind more than she hoped. I saw the desion in her eyes as she turned on a lamp beside her. And not too surprising for me, she believed in ghosts.

Dammi! No, she cant believe so soon. She wasnt suposed to believe. This meant it all was going to be too easy, making pro longing this project impossible. I shook my head disapointedly. How am I going to do this? To keep her safe at home without her being taken from me to someone who will do the job right...?

I reluctently knocked again. Giving her a sign that I was there. That her assumption about me being a ghost was right. Her eyes widened out of fear. She hadnt moved a muscle.

"Wh..who are you?" She asked in a whisper. Her voice broke from fear. Emily couldnt pick which to fear more, a reply back or no reply at all. "I..i know you're the..there." She spoke a tone louder than her prievious whisper. I liked her voice. The sound of it. It was gentle and quiet. It was at the right tone to sound perfect in a lulaby. I knocked again, in hopes of her speaking at least once more.

"I asked who you are." She demanded. It was her fear becoming agressive. And I liked this tone just as much as her lulaby.

It was then that I fell to the floor. My chest, it was in some kind of pain. But how? I shouldnt feel pain. But here I was, grasping at my chest. I could tell it wasnt real. Not real pain that is. Wait, that makes no sence. None of this does. It wasnt pain, but it sure was strong.

Maybe I should rest. The feeling began to subside. But just enough where it was bearable. I walked away to sit on my bed. This was all wrong. Everything.

I felt a sudden breaze.

"Laying on the job are we, Demetri?" Her voice shown her surprise.

I never laid while working. I was,just as surprosed as she was.

"I think I may be sick." I shared. She looked at me suspiciously. Her long dress now a sparkling white. And then looked around at my walls.

"You finally found one. Fantastic job, Demetri. You desive yourself a rest." I was confused for a short moment. I looked around and only noticed then that Emily window was the only window in my room. Dammit!

"Thank you, Pandora." It was all I could come up with a responce.

"well then, I will leave you both alone. Rest up so we can soon have our savior." Pandora gleamed ans then disapeared.

Her words though, brought a strong, unsettling sensation ripping through my stomach...i didnt want to bring her here. Emily doesnt deserve it...

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