I Am To Blame?

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I sighed. There wasn't many options left for me to do. All I knew was to go back and give reason for Emily to trust me. To lie and deceive her. My heart sank little by little thinking of doing so. I have to admit it. To myself at least. I liked her. As in having deep feelings for her. It was wrong. We aren't supposed to feel anything for them. Not the way I do.

It was night time again in her world. She clung to her small journal writing frantically her thoughts and feelings. I wondered what she was writing. She was upset again as the night before. Her tears falling onto the pages staining them as they dried. Emily didn't care. She couldn't care if her pain reddened her eyes and cheeks. Or that her hair was a frizzy mess as it fell across her shoulders.

It angered me to see her like this. How could anyone make her feel so hurt? I wanted to physically hurt who made her always cry and feel pain. Hating herself, believing their insults over the truth. She felt worthless, a burden, and dirt.

It was a mix of her uncle, her loss of family, her jobs not paying enough so she is low on rent along with her dreams falling into the distance. How did her world expect people to survive and thrive off of so little options to make life better?

Before I knew it my hand was on her window, ready to step through. Suddenly I felt a hand on my arm. It was Maranda.

"Not now, son. She needs to be alone." Marada whispered.

"I need to comfort her. I cannot just sit and watch." I replied softly. She shook her head.

"Maybe a distraction may do some good." She gestured towards my bed for me to sit. I took a quick look at Emily before I let myself be dragged away.

"What is it that you would like to talk about?" I asked. Maranda never interfered with my work. No matter the reason.

"A woman came by to give you this while you where warning Emily to not use the board that is a door to the devil." Her specific detail was bone chilling. Was she watching me? Before anything else said, she handed me a small white card with purple writing written in a fine print. It said: I am only a tear drop away.

I looked at it confused. Flipping it over and over. There was no other words, no explaination of who it was from or what it could possibly mean.

"Who..." Maranda cut me off before I could finish my question.

"Destiny." She answered. But there are hundreds by that first name. Surely she knew her first name would be no help. "Also known as Miracle."

I took a glance at her. I now knew... Destiny. She knew all and was the one who set everones aspect of their lives and and reasons for life in stone. She was what humans delieved in as God. Not only that, she is more than difficult to reach. Why would she look for me?

"Why? I asked not understanding.

"She said you would soon be looking for her. To save you time, she left her card. She gave no reason or said much of anything else."

"Well thank you for returning her message." I was in shock. Why would I look for her? And much more, why was she willing to let me find her?

"I now believe that having the savor ability is hereditary." Maranda sighed, changing the conversation completely. She gave me a quick whiplash. When I looked up at her, she stared at Emily's window. I slowly began to remember one thing I had completely forgotten about Maranda's human life. She had a husband, daughter and younger son. Maranda was stronger than any other cancer sick patient. I chose her for her strength and love.

A sick, pitiful thought struck me. Her daughter's name was Emily...

"You kept her from my sight." I stated.

"Of course. I knew my fait the day I met you. I couldn't bear for my daughter to endure the same." That was right, I thought to myself. Marada was a true fortune teller while alive.

"Maranda, I am so sorry. I want to do everything I can to change this.I am so sorry." I felt tripple the pain of this situation.

"It is not ur blame to take, Demetri. I see the hardship you are going through. Being in love when forbidden is no simple plan to endure. But I must go now." And with that said, she was gone. In return of her presence was the beautiful Elder, Pandora.

"How are things going with Emily?" She questioned, wasting no time for an update. But my mind was now a splattered egg. Destiny was inviting me to a vista with her, my feelingsfor Emily and knowing I was the reason for Emily's biggest life change from good to bed. How I still functioned at this time was beyond my knowledge.

"It's well. I am taking a rest from being over on earth for a bit too long." I answered honestly. She smiled pleasantly.

"Well rest up so you can continue." She began to disappear. But not quickly enough before I was a dramatic change in her apparence. Pandora went from looking the age of twenty to looking fourth. But I couldn't think of how or why. Nor did I care.

I hated myself more than anything now. I was the reason for her pain...

I looked back at her. Standing up to get closer, I put my fist up to the wall beside her window. Whispering "Emily, I am so sorry."

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