The Regulality in Death

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The number one thing I could ever hate being in the forces of earth, was my energy level being a sacrifice. The longer I staid put here, the more drained I became. But then again, there is always a price for pushing bonduries. I simply did not belong among the living. And I cursed it. What was the purpose of life if you dammed in the end? To live enternity in only four catagories? Only one being the best.

First off, there is the highest power. A place many dream of for thier life after death. Many calls it heaven. I guess you can call it exactly that. The place were dreams have no limits. To reunite with friends and families. The endless clowdless skies, green grass for achers. Nothing ever turning ugly, pitiful, disrespect. A forever calmness residing inside your heart. A place to finally experiance pure bliss. Just like here, there were Elders to keep everything in harmony.

Then there was being stuck within earth bounds. Not being able to move on. To forever be in a repaly of something tragic. To be invisable to everyone around you, as you search for an exit. You are allowed to walk the earth grounds, where ever, when ever. But what good is that when you are completely alone? Then again that is more freedom than here.

Than we have my world. Between all worlds. We call it The Forgotten. The name is pretty loud to describe it. We all were brought here to try and save those who live in it. Save us from what? Well that is a darn good question I would like to know the answer to. The Elders refused to talk of it. But anyway, here we work. As working is our only idea on finding the door to escape, so I assume. Once you are brought here, you become a worker. If you can not save, than you are to become useful in another way.

Lastly, we have hell. For all those who took life for granted, who are not allowed to heaven because of thier wicked ways. All the constant rule breakers, one who hurt others purposely go here. They not only work but slave. There, you can feel pain, tiredness, and unbearable heat. You have absolute no control of your body and soul. Punishment are strictly harsh and brutel.

So like I was saying, why live if in the end you have a twenty five percent of going to the best place of all? Surely, the last three places arent worthy compaired to living. But when it comes down to enternity, and your chances are higher to end up in an unpleasant place rather than the good, its an infurriating thought.

Just then, the door opened. I froze in place, as though who ever it was would be able to see me. I getting sick with my abrupt stupidity today. Emily walked into the living room with a thin black camera. I began to panic while looking around. There had to be a real reason to randomly take photos of a living room. Maybe there was a whole she needed to report...or something!

She aimec the lense in my direction... Remember I said we know all about a human with just one look at them? Well I think I forgot to mention that she is highly intelligent!

A flash sparked and I couldnt hep but stand up to look at my photo. Using the camera battery in doing so. Transfering its energy into my spongy body. It took only a short moment before the picture was ready to be looked at. She gasped.

There, in the plain, clean living room, sat a white, unclear, young man figure. If it was possible for me to die again, I would! I had no intention of her seeing me juat yet, in any form.

"I knew I could catch you." She said with a mischievious smile. I have a feeling this woman was going to show me a new kind of fear.

"So, you are my mysterious knocker..." She sighed happily with her success of the most random surprise aproach in catching me. She thought for a moment.

"Well there are rules here, like respect of everyones privacy. I will be getting one of those boards with the alphabet, I want to talk more." I didnt give her any more thought on that. I knocked on the wall beside her. I cant let her get the Quije board. It is a boor way to hell and his deamons. Her eyes widened in my attempt to contact.

"Is that a yes, you want me to get the board so we can talk?" She asked with a large smile on her face. Then hesitated for a second. "One knock is a yes, two is a no." I immediately knocked twice. Her smile disapeared.

"Oh, you dont want to talk to me?" She was about to ask another question but I quickly knocked once to answer her question. Her smile reapeared.

But that was all I could manage. With that last knock, I feel in weakness. Letting it take over me. I felt someone from my world pick me up and carry me off to rest. I was too drained to make out who it was. Within a blink of an eye, I was back in my room, laid strait on my bed. I stole a glimps of the one who helped me. She had brown hair as Emily. I knew her, she was one I brought here. Her name, Miranda.

"Close your eyes and rest Demetri." She cooed. I listened, too weak to care of much else. Except the fact I left Emily. She was probably asking questions, wanting to know more of me and I wasnt there to answer her. She will think she is crazy for talking to herself and then I wouldnt be shocked when I cant get back to her. I would feel terrible.

I smiled though. She didnt mind me there... But that cant be a good thing.

"Stop thinking about her, boy and concentrate on your rest." I tried not to laugh at her motherly authority towards me. She was always like that. I did as she said though. I breathed in deeply, sucking all energy I could in doing so. I was then able to sit, completely energized. I always saw myself as a battery, needing to be recharged every so often. I hated it though. I always felt weak, volnerable. Like an infant who was helpless.

Its odd, we arent allowed to feel, yet we could feel these little emotions. Or at least I could. William once told me it was because I still had a coexisting heart and soul. He believes the Elders were never able to capture me completely. But I didnt see the proof in that. Simply because, well I am dead...

"Well dear, it sure is about time you stopped thinking about her long enough to wake up." Miranda spoke with a smile. I smiled at her in reply.

"Thank you."

"No worries son. I will be of help any day you need." I nodded my head.

" Well thanks." A bit too informal,for me but it was in her comfort zone of speech.

"Well rest up some more. I will be back soon. Take some time away from that world before you get really hurt." There was a hint of saddness in her eyes that I couldnt match with a reason. She disovled befor I could say another word.

Happyness and fear swept through me...i wanted to go back, talk with Emily more. Eagerness ripped through me, yet fear collided. Talking with here was a risk. A sign my project had process.

I still couldnt comprehend my...emotions. Two complete sides on high doses of some kind of drug named Emily. How was it possible to have a war inside your own personal thoughts like this? To want this beautiful, eligant, small body and soul and yet want to run away for her protection. How could anyone live with a thought of not being able to protect her, when I would give myself to an eternity of time to hell, to keep her safe from harm?

...Have I mentioned that I did not want to do this?...

Yet I still had no other option to get out of this self torture.

I stood up.... I needed to know why we did this in the first place.

Than I sat back down.... If I demanded to know now, they would question my sanity in doing my job. Risking them fiding out and taking her from me. I couldnt let that happen.

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