39. Questions and Answers

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Draco's POV

Harry and Ginny didn't come out of Hermione's room that night. I disturbed them briefly to get some of Hermiones clothing so it would seem like she was around me and a couple of her books to read. I didn't sleep.

What I couldn't understand was how I am still alive? When a Veela's mate dies, they're supposed to die from heartbreak.

And I couldn't be more heartbroken. None of it made sense! I felt almost numb, like it hadn't actually happened.

When Harry and Ginny finally emerged, Ginny was pure white. She looked dead. I enveloped her into my arms and kissed the top of her head. "You'll be okay, Harry is your family and he loves you so much. As do we all. There are bright things in your future." She gave me a watery smile, took Harry's hand and they left the room. Harry didn't spare a glance at me.

The time dragged on, one minute feeling like an hour. What is a veela's purpose in life if their mate is gone?

I researched veelas. There were no accounts of a veela surviving after the death of their mate. Was it because I was half wizard? Was it the mortality that was pulling me through? If it was, I wish I was full veela. I didn't want a life where Hermione wasn't alive.

It had only been an hour. I made breakfast, then hung out with Blaise and Asti. It wasn't the same anymore without Hermione. She was the light and laughter in the conversation and I hated third wheeling. The envy I felt at seeing Blaise happy with his mate was too strong. I left the room.

There was harsh quick knocking against the door. Ignore it Draco, not important.
More knocking. Ignore.
Striding across the common room, I threw open the door.

"Draco come quick," said Harry. "We need to talk to McGonnagall. It's Hermione."
My face dropped. Even at the mention of her name, my heart aches and the veela weeped.
"Please Harry, I can't.. I can't do this anymore." I replied, in resignation. I went to close the door and Harry grabbed my collar and pulled me through.
"You're coming with me whether you like it or not. Your life depends on it."
"Alright alright! Ge'off!"

We travelled through the corridors to where a silent Hermione awaited, dead upon the desk.

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