My Life as Duke Starr's Assistant...[Part 9]

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"So you guys are sure you're not related in any way," I was saying.

We were sitting on location at a beach in Rome. Mr. Director gave us a few minutes for a break while the cameraman made some adjustments. I was drawing figures into the sand with a stick I had found.

"Pretty sure," Zac replied.

"But you two look so similar!" I exclaimed.

"That's what everyone says. We're not related, though," Duke replied.

"It's also why we were both picked for this movie," Zac added.

"Brothers and what-not," Duke said.

"Maybe one of you was adopted and you really are related somehow," I suggested. They both looked at each other and shook their heads. "Hey, it could happen!" I said.

"She's only been in Hollywood for a week and she's already thinking like a crazy screen-writer," Zac said. I rolled my eyes.

"Yeah, who knows. If I don't find a good job anywhere, I'll take up directing films," I said sarcastically.

"Good thing you know two of the best looking people in Hollywood," Duke said, smirking.

"Well, Zac's one. Who's the other good looking person?" I asked, smirking right back at him. Duke picked up a fistful of sand and threw it at me. I laughed and shielded my face.

"All right guys! We're ready for another take!" we heard.

"Duty calls," Zac said, getting up and brushing the sand from the board shorts he was wearing.

I watched as the two of them walked towards the set. They were both shirtless and wearing surf shorts for the shot. Duke was taller and more muscular than Zac was. Zac was tanner than Duke. But they both strutted the same way, holding themselves proudly and confidently.

I felt myself smile a little. I bet girls all over would give anything to be able to hang out with two of the most attractive guys in Hollywood while they were shirtless. And here I was, living their dream.


"Let's go for a road trip," Zac suggested later on that evening.

"When?" I asked, taking a bite of the amazing garlic breadsticks the hotel diner served.

"Tomorrow. We get a day off from shooting," he replied.

"I have an interview to go to," Duke said, looking at me. I flipped through the calendar on my phone.

"Indeed, he does," I said, holding up my phone.

"We'll afterwards," Zac said. I glanced at Duke.

"You guys can go. I've already seen Italy a bunch of times," he said, shrugging.

I frowned. I didn't have a problem hanging out with Zac, but it was just the fact that we'd be hanging out alone that I didn't like. If paparazzi found out, we'd make the front cover of the next People magazine. And that was not the kind of publicity I wanted. Besides, I wasn't interested in Zac. There was a particularly handsome lawyer I had my sights set on back home.

"We should get going. You said you'd stop by that woman's shop at 6," I said to Duke. He downed his glass of wine and nodded.

"Later, man," he said to Zac. We got out of the diner and walked outside the hotel. Right when we stepped outside, flashes and screams surrounded us.

"What the hell?!" I cried, raising my arm to shield my face.

"I thought you told the manager to make sure no one knew I was staying here!" Duke hissed next to me. I grabbed onto his arm, pulling him forward, rejecting requests from reporters to ask questions.

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