My Life as Duke Starr's Assistant...[Part 1]

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"I can't believe I was fired," I kept saying, over and over again.

I was pacing the floor of the expensive condo I shared with my best friend, Denise.

"Ok, calm down. It's not the end of the world," Denise said. I stopped and glared at her.

"Not the end of the world?! I'm jobless! I have no source of income!" I cried.

"See, now, that is not being calm," Denise said.

I glared at her and she put her hands up. I sat down on the fancy white leather couch and looked out the large windows that took over one wall.

"I have no idea what I'm supposed to do with my life," I mumbled, burying my face in my hands.

"Look, I'll handle the rent until you find another job. We'll just hop on that Monster job website and find you something," Denise said, pulling her laptop towards her and opening it. I groaned and slumped against the couch, staring at the ceiling.

"My life is over," I complained.

"Stop being so dramatic. You're only 22. Your life is not over," Denise said, clicking around on her computer.

"I've been fired. Do you know how horrible that's going to look on a resume? I'm never going to be the CEO of a huge company now," I said.

"That was an unrealistic dream to start with. You are being way too dramatic about all this. Now come here and apply for some jobs. The faster you look, the faster you'll find something, and the faster you'll get a job," she said, handing her laptop to me.

I looked at a few positions, but none of them were to my liking. After a few minutes, I shoved the computer away.

"I can't do this. These jobs are for stupid people. I will not lower my standards," I said. Denise rolled her eyes.

"With an attitude like that, you'll be jobless forever," she told me. I threw a couch pillow at her.

"I bet you just jinxed me. Now I really will be jobless forever," I whined. She flicked the side of my head with her fingers. "Owww!" I yelled.

"Stop being such a drama queen," she scolded. I glared at her and pouted, crossing my arms over my chest. "Maybe we can go out and find a job for you instead of searching the internet," she suggested.

"Or maybe I can go move into a cardboard box for the rest of my life," I said.

"If you say something negative like that one more time, I'm for sure kicking you out onto the streets," Denise threatened. I made an offended face at her but kept my mouth shut.

What she expecting me to do? Jump up and down in happiness at my joblessness? I was a graduate from Berkeley with a degree in finance and management. I had found the perfect job for myself after I had finished my undergraduate studies in three years. Then, as I was getting my bachelor's degree, I worked and worked and worked. I had the perfect life cut out for me. I was loved and revered and respected at the company I worked for. I had a great place to live and a great friend to share it with. I was happy and making the money I had always wanted.

And now I was jobless.


A/N: I promise these updates will get longer as the story progresses. But what do you think of it so far?!

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