Chapter 5

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Copyright ©Kiara Hart


We walked into Applebee's and there was a sign that said 'Wait Time: 20 Minutes'. I sat there and waited for an employee or someone. "Hi, May I help you?" A lady spoke. No, we're just waiting here for nothing.

"Yes, Can I have a table for 3?" I asked.

"Right this way." She said. We followed her to a small table near a fairly large flat screen TV. They had sports on every tv and music playing quietly in the background. I didn't recognize the song that was playing but it ended and one of my favorite songs played. 'I wake up in the morning with a big smile on my face, and it never feels out of place..'

"I love this song!" I told Mitch and Jason rather loudly.

"You like Gives You Hell by All-American Rejects?" Jason asked.

"It's been my favorite song since it came out!" I replied.

"Hi, I'm Alexa and I'll be your server tonight. May I start you off with something to drink?" A waitress, Alexa, asked. We ordered our drinks and she wrote it down. "I'll be back with your drinks very soon." She said, sweetly. 'Jane doe, I don't even know ya but I know for sure, that you are beautiful so baby let me know your nam-' I answered my phone.

"Hello?" I asked.

"Hey, it's Jerome. We finished recording so I was just gonna check on you. You're alive, right?" He joked.

"Yes Jerome, I'm alive." I answered.

"Good, well be home soon, ok?" He said.

"Gotcha." I answered and he hung up.

"Alright here are your drinks and are we ready to order?" Alexa asked. "Yes." I said. We ordered our food and she walked away when she finished writing down our orders.

"Nice ringtone you got there." Mitch teased.

"Oh shut up." I laughed. After about half an hour our food was brought to us. We ate quickly until I heard shouting from behind me.

"That's bullshit! Someone else stole our table!"

"They ate our dessert! I was in the bathroom!" I heard another female voice. Jason looked frozen so I turned around only to see two girls around my age. One had curly, light pink hair and hazel eyes. She was skinny and sort of short. The other girl had curly, brown hair and green eyes. She was tan and curvy. Her height was probably 5'4.

"I don't mean to sound nosy or anything but what's wrong?" I asked. "Some jackass stole our dessert while we were in the bathroom and now their saying we can't just buy another one." The brunette girl said. "Jenna! There's no need for such language!" The other girl said.

"Your name's Jenna?" Jason asked from behind us.

"Yeah. Is there a problem with it?" She asked, very sassy-like.

"No, I think it's cool." Jason answered.

"Sorry. Jenna can get very sassy sometimes. I'm Carrie, by the way." The girl, Carrie, told us.

"Well if you want, you guys could join us for dessert when the time comes." Mitch spoke up from our table.

"That'd be great! Wouldn't it Jenna?" Carrie said, sitting down. Jenna sat down and immediately began scrolling on her phone.

"Don't worry, she's just mad at the person who stole our food." Carrie whispered to me. I nodded and smiled. My phone buzzed from my pocket, I dug it out and I had one unread message. It read 'I'm gonna join you guys at Applebee's. How many people?' I looked at the contact, Jerome sent it. 'I responded 'Only 5 of us right now. By the way, I found your future girlfriend ;)' We joked like this all the time. A couple minutes later, my phone buzzed again. 'Ha-ha very funny :) be there soon' He replied.

"Bacca is in the building!" Jerome said walking to our table. He sat down and stole my drink.

"Hey! Get your own drink bacca!" I scolded in a joking manner.

"This Bacca wants your drink though." Jerome replied. I looked over at Carrie and she was giggling at Jerome's jokes.

"Hi. I'm Jerome but these guys call me bacca." Jerome introduced himself to Carrie and Jenna.

"Hi. I'm Carrie and that's my roommate, Jenna." Carrie told Jerome. After that, they started their own little conversation and I started to feel lonely until I realized that I'd totally ignored Jason and Mitch since I invited Carrie and Jenna to our table. I texted Jason and Mitch. 'Hey. Have I been ignoring you? I feel like I have been.' I sat and waited for a response. Scaring me, my phone buzzed. 'A little but I didn't mind.' That one was from Jason. Mitch texted 'Yes! Why you no love me?!' I quietly giggled and responded 'Mitch, I love you. Like, you're my best friend. Well, you, Jason, and Ty.' For Jason I replied with 'I'm sorry. I guess I just forgot you were here. This is why you need to talk more :P' I looked up from my phone and there was dessert. Everyone else was eating so I picked up my fork and ate until I couldn't eat anymore. "I'm full!" I yelled and slid my plate to Jerome who happily started to eat it. I glanced at Jason and he was smiling at his phone. A second later my phone buzzed. 'You eat ice cream like a little kid. That's adorable. Just kidding! :P' I looked up at Jason and he started laughing. 'Well you eat like a T-Rex :)' I replied. Mitch had apparently paid so we started to leave. Carrie and Jerome handed each other a small piece of paper. After that we all went our separate ways to our cars. We went back to the hotel and Carrie and Jenna showed up there.

"Hey guys! Is this your hotel?" I asked.

"No. Jerome invited us." Carrie answered.

"Well then I guess it's a sleepover! Lets go to Adam's room!" I screamed in the middle of the hallway.

"Wait a minute. Adam? As in SkyDoesMinecraft?" Carrie screeched.

"Yeah why?" I asked.

"I love his videos! I watch all your guys' videos! Ty, Jason, Jerome, Adam, Dawn, Kiara, Martin, Ian, and Mitch. There's probably more but they slip my mind right now." Carrie fangirled.

"Well prepare to hang out with Adam because he is loud when playing Minecraft." I warned her.

"I figured." She smiled.

"Well then lets go!" Jerome shouted and we all walked to Adam's room.


Hey guys! This chapter has two new girls in it. Jenna and Carrie, their personalities are kinda different. Jenna is kind of a funny, weird (in a good way), sassy person while Carrie is a bubbly, smart, nerd-ish girl.  -Author

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