Abandon Hope

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Melissa's POV:

We'd spent about 10 minutes in the sauna, when we heard a clatter against it. I pushed against the door, but it wouldn't budge. Ryan tried the same thing, but it wouldn't give. I saw a face-one I didn't recognize-appear outside the window. Then it disappeared, and a letter was slid under the doorway. I snatched it up, heart pounding in my chest, and read it out loud:


Its time you paid for your crime 5 years ago. You know what you did, how you betrayed your friends. Now, you will die with your two whores:"

At this point, we heard a smash, and a slight sizzle. "He's destroyed the thermostat." Ryan told us, his eyes wide "Keep reading, Melissa." I obliged, but my heart seemed to have failed:

"At 87°C, your skin will blister, signifying our pain at your betrayal.

At 93°C, the air you breathe will burn your lungs, showing you how deep our pain truly went.

At 100°C, the blood in your veins will boil, meaning our anger at what you did to us.

When the temperature reaches 121°C, you and the two succubi will die, alone and helpless.

'Abandon hope all ye who enter here'"

I looked up to the other two and saw their faces match my own emotions. We were doomed, and we knew it.

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