Chapter 5

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Peach is to the right :)

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Saraphine had always thought that suffocation would be a pretty bad way to go. It would be like drowning only without the peaceful end. Your last memory would be the awful taste of the air as you attempted to pull a usable amount into your lungs to no avail. She wondered how long she would be able to hold in the last of her clean air before starting the process of her death. She held onto that fresh air dearly. Her face was reddening from the effort.

"Just breathe Saraphine," Kale said amusedly. She shook her head frantically. Saraphine would be unable to hold it any longer. She opened her mouth with a large gasp. Her lungs stung almostly instantly, but it wasn't the kind of pain she had been expecting. It felt the opposite of being smothered. How could this be? She was breathing. Her gills had died and she was breathing! "I told you." Kale smirked.

"But my gills are dead. Do you guys have an air purification system or something?" Saraphine pondered. It would have to be a pretty large and advanced purification system to cover this kind of area.

"I guess you could say that. The trees," he said looking back towards one "they purify air. All plants do." Saraphine really could not wrap her head around such a concept. Some simple little plant thing was going to give her air to breathe? This didn't seem likely. He was probably poking fun at her or something.

"Haha, very funny." Saraphine said sarcastically.

"No, I'm serious. Plants pull in the CO2 from the air and push out oxygen in its place. It's pretty amazing. You'll come to learn that nature provides everything that we as human beings require. You'll see." Kale explained kindly, rather than arrogantly as most in his situation would. Explaining these sort of things to her would be like explaining how babies are made to a small child. The truth seemed as unlikely as magic itself.

From what Saraphine could understand of the situation she realized she would never again need gills. It always had been a great nusiance to have them scratching at her neck but she thoguht that she might actually miss the motions of applying them every morning. All of the things that had once been constants in her life seemed to be vanishing before her very eyes. Her stomach began to churn at the enormity of difference between the life she had had just last night and the life that she had begun this morning.

Once thing Saraphine knew that she would have no problem adjusting to was the fact that this air had no foul tast. It had not so much as an odor. The sky was a nice crisp blue, much like Kale's eyes she had noticed. She was also glad to be rid of the shades of grey that had engulfed her.

"Well would you like a tour of your new home?" Kale asked looking at her intently.

"I suppose that I probably should have one." Saraphine rose to her feet. As she did she became a bit lightheaded, so much fresh oxygen will do that to you when you are not used to it.

"Right this way," Kale said leading her to a group of trees. "Look up." Saraphine did as she was told, scanning her eyes over the height of the trunk. Just as her eyes reached the top of the tree she saw little wooden huts. One in each tree connected by a wobbly make shift rope bridge. "This is my families' home. each hut is a seperate bedroom. Every family has their own group of huts. We do still try to ensure privacy here.We aren't complete savages despite what you've been told." Kale shot her a look that made Saraphine unsure if he was joking or completely serious about the savage statement. She hoped that he didn't think that she thought of them that way.

"Where will I stay?" Saraphine asked in an attempt to change the subject. She realized that a change to this subject was a worse idea when she saw Kale's face drop and a blush spread across his cheeks.

"Well they've decided that while your hut is being built," he looked at her nervously as he rubbed his neck, only making the muscles on his arms stick out more. "since it's my fault and all that you're here, that you are to stay in my hut...with me." Saraphine's eyes widened. Sleep in the same room as him! She could never. "Please don't worry. I'll sleep on the floor, you can have my bed. I feel so guilty about all the stuff you're having to endure because of me. I'll do everything I can to make up for all of this." Saraphine could see the saddness in his eyes. She didn't want him to feel guilty. Yes it wasn't the ideal situation and of course she'd rather be home with her mother, but it was much to late to turn back now.

"That's fine. I'm warning you now though, I am not a morning person." She said tossing him a small smile. Saraphine allowed her mind to roam to her mother momentarily. She had no doubt come to realize that Saraphine was gone, at this point. She could practically see her mother's tears. Saraphine shook the thought from her mind. It was hard enough to remain sane in this situation without having to imagine the pain that her mom was now in. She would just have to deal with all of that when she was in a more stable mindset. "For now off to the chest of suppressed thoughts with you!" she thought pushing her feelings down so that they were not so much as readable on her face.

"We talking slightly grumpy in the morning person or punch me in the face if I wake if  wake you inthe morning person?" Kale asked providing the much needed distraction from her thoughts.

"Punch in the face for sure," Saraphine offered hima giggle and toothy grin to put him at ease. Not that he should be at ease considering that was a completly accurate description of her morning self. "So how many vagrants are her anyways"' Sarphine looked around. There were quite a few huts but everything appeared almost deserted.

"Oh about  hundred and fifty, and we really don't like being called vagrants. That's your world's word used to help create fear in us." Kale sounded slightly annoyed for the first time.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean it in a bad way. It's just the only thing  I've ever known to call you guys. Is there something that you all prefer?" Saraphine asked hurridly, worried that she had offended the very person whom had saved her life.

"We are the Cipisas Tribe. The moon people, and don't worry about it. It's just a little frustrating to be soley judged on how I look. We would be able to do far more if you people were not so frightened of us." Kale sighed.

"Trust me. I know exactly what it's like to be judged by your appearance." Saraphine felt a tinge of self-conciousness and began to fidget with her pajama dress taht she assumed she was stuck with now.

"You mean because you're not fat?" He asked bluntly. " Look around. No one here is. You'll find you'll fit in a lot better here."

"Speaking of everyone, where are they?"

"Oh out in the garden, froriging, or hunting."


"Yes, you'll be expected to work there to earn your keep."

"Is it dangerous?" Saraphine asked worridly.

"Holy shit. You don't even know what a garden is do you?" Kale began to chuckle uncontrolbly.

"How am I supposed to know anything like that? Saraphine pouted.

"You'll learn. No worries." Kale smiled nudging her playfully.

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