Chapter 10

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When Saraphine awoke she decided that today might be a good day to spend some time with Blossom. She was not feeling up to dealing with all the Kale Romaine drama that had suddenly become a part of her life. Saraphine had no clue what their problem was with eachother but she resented being caught in the middle of it. During her waking stages she had decided that she wasn't going to allow either one of them to intimidate her into hiding her friendship with the other from them. This was her life, she hadn't come all the way out her with the tribe just to be told what to do all over again. 

Besides Saraphine was really missing Blossom's company. Blossom had been so busy with her shaman training that it hardly left time for anything else. Saraphine saw Blossom almost instantly after climbing down from her hut. She was confidently talking to Acer who was turning the color of the apple Saraphine had been given on her first day. 'Poor boy. He doesn't stand a chance.' Saraphine mused to herself. She decided then that she would do her best to help the poor lost soul. She only decided to do so because he was so obviously in love with Blossom that Saraphine knew he would do her no wrong. Not to mention that Acer was the only boy that Blossom seemed to be paying any attention to these days. So maybe the feelings were mutual, although Blossom was much better at hiding her feelings. It was all so sweet it almost made Saraphine sick. 

"Saraphine! Hey!" Blossom called waiving energetically from the rock she was perched on. Acer removed his focus from Blossom for a moment and offered Saraphine a lazy grin as a greeting. 

"Just the girl I was hoping to run into." Saraphine grinned back joining them. "I need some serious girl time today I'm afraid."

"Oh. Sounds juicy. Let's walk. I'll catch you later Acer." Acer's face dropped as he realized he was being torn away from his precious Blossom. 

"O...ok. I'll see you. Tomorrow? Is tomorrow good?" Acer smiled at the prospect of seeing her the next day.

"Sure ya." Blossom smiled grabbing Saraphine's hand and pulling her toward the woods. Once they were out of earshot Saraphine began her attempts at matchmaking.

"So....Acer is cute." This statement got Blossom's attention right away.

"You like him?" Blossom had stopped and spun to face her in the blink of an eye. Her face now holding a very serious expression, one that was very uncommon for her. This is how Saraphine knew that the feelings between them were in fact mutual.

"Nooooo. No no." Saraphine laughed. "That's not it at all. I just couldn't help but notice how adorable the two of you looked standing together."

"Oh. You think so?" The dark cloud of jealousy that had so suddenly gathered over Blossom despersed instantly. She was once again bounding and joyful as usual.

"Yeah I do. Besides, he's totally smitten by you." Saraphine said matter of factly.

"Stop teasing. That isn't very nice Saraphine." Blossom pouted.

"I'M NOT JOKING! Are you kidding? You can't tell! That boy is so in love with you its ridiculous." Saraphine was shocked that Blossom hadn't picked that up. It was so beyond obvious it was like there was a giant flashing billboard about it. 

"Well if that were true he would have asked me out by now."

"He's probably intimidated. I mean all the boys in the tribe are after you." Saraphine argued.

"After me? You're the one with Kale and Romaine drama." Blossom laughed.

"That's their own drama. That has nothing to do with me." Saraphine stated matter of factly.

"OH SURE. Who's in denial now missy?" Blossom nudged her playfully. Saraphine was absolutely clueless as to what Blossom was reffering.

"Speaking of them, do you know what their whole deal is?" Saraphine asked.

"Um. Ya." Blossom stared at Saraphine playful yet accusingly at the same time.

"What?" Saraphine asked clueless as ever.

"Oh my dear sweet naive Saraphine." Blossom giggled running ahead.

"Hey! Get back here and tell me. That's not fair." Saraphine complained taking off after her. They ran for what seemed like forever. Saraphine was getting much better at keeping up with the tribesmen and at going longer distances. Even now she was only a few paces behind Blossom. Saraphine felt truley carefree. Galloping through the woods taking in all of its beauty. All the new sights, the clean fresh air.  Saraphine looked ahead of her to see Blossom suddenly stop and crouch down. Saraphine decided that it would probably be best to follow suit. She crouched down and crawled her way to Blossom's side. Once she was next to her she saw instanly what had paralyzed Blossom so rapidly. There was a deer before them. It was a big one, grazing, completely unaware of their existance.

"That deer would make a great stew to feed the tribe." Blossom whispered. The hunters had been having more and more trouble finding deer and other large creatures to bring back to the tribe lately. Saraphine couldn't help but think how tasty a nice meaty stew would taste. Ya, she loved fruits and veggies but a girl can't live off of nuts and berries. Not Saraphine anyhow. Saraphine's actions were almost immeadiate. She felt the ground next to her and her hand met a rock just heavy enough to do the deed. All in one fluid moment she palmed the rock stood and flung it towards the deer. 

"No wait!" Blossom called out scared that Saraphine would scare off their potential meal, that is until she heard the thud. Blossom turned slowly to see the deer laying on the ground. Saraphine had managed to strike it directly in the temple. Blossom hurried over and slit the animals throat to ensure it was dead and to not prolong its suffering. Blossom thanked the deer for the sacrifice it was making and then turned to Saraphine still completely stunned. "What the hell was that? Where did you learn to do that?" Blossom probed.

"I...I don't know. I just reacted to the situation." Saraphine was just about as stunned as Blossom was.  

"Well you know what that means don't you?" Blossom asked smiling. Saraphine shook her head no. "You, my friend, are a natural and we have you in the wrong job. The council will make you a hunter for this for sure. That means you'll get to spend your days with Romaine." Blossom lifted her eyebrows suggestively. 

"Great. That's exactly what I wanted. To be even closer to all the drama." Saraphine sighed sarcastically.

"Here help me carry this back." Blossom laughed. Saraphine grabbed the other two legs of the deer and they were on their way. 

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 21, 2013 ⏰

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