Chapter 9

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Acer is depicted to the right :)


Kale, Saraphine, and Blossom all stood around talking for awhile before Blossom informed them that her break was over and she now had to return to her studies. After Blossom pulled Saraphine into one last hug and was on her way Kale turned to her with a suddenly serious face.

“So when did you and Romaine become such pals?” Kale questioned.

“I would hardly call us pals. He just happened to be at the waterfall today.” Saraphine shifted her weight from one of her feet to the other.

“Well, what took you two so long then. I went looking for you. You weren’t at the waterfall when I got there.”

“There was a helicopter...we had to run. Why are you being like this Kale?”

“I’m sorry....I was just a little worried is all. I care about you and don’t want anything to happen to you. Besides, Romaine isn’t the most savory of company for you to be keeping.” Kale’s expression changed to one that was more relaxed. Regardless of whether he was worried or not Kale’s reaction to not knowing her whereabouts had her a bit uneasy.

“Funny. He seems to feel the same way about you.”

“Really now? What did he say about me Saraphine? You can’t believe anything he says. He’s a liar!” Saraphine hadn’t seen Kale angry until this point and it was not a sight she was eager to see again.

“Nothing. He wouldn’t say what his problem with you was. You know whatever thing you two have going on, just leave me out of it. I just got here. I’m not trying to get involved in any drama.” Saraphine decided at that point that she was done shying away in the face of these two boys’ misplaced anger. Saraphine didn’t have any negative thoughts towards either of them, so she wasn’t about to let either one of them tell her whether or not she should be hanging out with the other. Saraphine was really beginning to like the effect that being in the tribe was having on her. She was more outspoken, strong, and confident. She was becoming all of the things she always hoped she could be. “So now that that is clear would you like to come with me to my hut and help me hang some things on the wall?”

“I’d love to.” Kale smiled, returned to his usual cheerful self. As they climbed the ladder to her hut she looked out towards Romaine’s hut. He was standing by the door, he glanced back at her and Kale. Saraphine couldn’t be certain from the distance but it appeared as though he had become angry after seeing Kale entering her hut before storming into his own. Kale took a seat on Saraphine’ s newly put together grass stuffed mattress as Saraphine shuffled through her trunk.

“I need this to go over the window.” Saraphine said pulling a light silky sheet that appearance of once being a part of a magical purple river and handed it to Kale.

“Let me guess, you got this from Blossom.” Kale smirked hanging it.

“Yes actually. It’s just right actually. Purple is my favorite color. You know your sister has actually helped me out quite a bit. I’ve gotten everything so far from her.” Saraphine moved to put a cd into the stereo, that was powered by the solar panels that each hut had. When Saraphine had received the stereo from Blossom she had no clue as to what it was. Blossom had then explained to her that it was an antique that played music. That had peaked Saraphine’s interest right away. She had always wanted to hear music. She heard about it often from her grandmother before she had passed. The King had banned music in her grandmother’s teenage years. His excuse had been that it was causing people to become unruly.

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