Chapter 1

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I can hear my alarm clock yelling at me from my dresser and moan, covering my head with a pillow. My mind is still fogged with nightmares but I know that they get worse as I wake up. Reluctantly, I pry my eyes open and glance over at my iPhone, still beeping from the alarm I had set for 6:30, and silence it.

I squint my eyes at the bright screen and read the tiny letters: 6:32 August 12, 2013. Happy second week of school. -.-

Unplugging the charger, I swing my legs out of bed and open my small wooden dresser. Inside rest several pairs of jeans and a few Tee-shirts. I grab one of each and tug a bright red V-neck over my head, straightening out the ruffles that fall around my neck and then pulling on a pair of jeans with rips crawling up to my thigh.

The mirror reflects a slightly crooked image and I grab a comb, pulling my long raven locks into a high ponytail then quickly straightening it out. I reach in my small vanity and pull out a tube  mascara, painting it over my thick lashes before tugging on a pair of lace-up brown boots with a slight heel. I look blankly at myself for a moment and notice a blackish blue splotch on my upper arm. Reaching to my dresser I yank the drawer open and pull out a light sweater to cover it up. Then, satisfied, grab my iPhone and backpack to head out.

I slip the device into a zipped up pocket so my dad won't be able to see it. My grandma had given it to me as a gift years ago before she moved, and it's the most expensive thing I own.

Swallowing my fear, I creak my door open and peak out. I don't see anyone moving around so I slither out  and grab a bruised apple from the counter, biting into it as I start towards the front door. Glancing to my right, I notice a figure on the couch and jump before realizing he is passed out.

There are a few beer cans on the ground next to him and a few of them have not been drank. My hand reaches to grab them and dump them out, but I pull it back. He will only waist our money to buy more.

My eyes lock on the passed out drunk on the raggity couch and I know that he is no longer my father. Not since mom died. This person stopped being my dad five years ago and nothing will ever change him. It used to bother me, that I had no family, but there is nothing I can do and there is no point in crying over something already lost.

Shrugging him off, I stride out of the house and slip my one-shoulder backpack on, being sure to tug my sleeve back down so my bruise can't be seen.

My raven locks fan slightly across my face, so I tuck them behind me ear and start to walk by the bus stop, not in the mood to deal with the kids who ride it. As I walk by I can hear one of the guys say something about me but I just grit my teeth together and keep walking, refusing to say anything.

After about ten minutes I reach the front of the school and pull out my phone to check the time: 6:54

Classes start at 7:00 so I lean up against an empty bench.

"Aw, looks like Isabelle still has not found a friend.." I spin around and am not surprised to see Heather Fox smirking at me with a group of her 'friends'. They laugh and I can't help but think about how pathetic they are, trailing around the popular girl, desperate for attention. Swallowing hard, I turn away and try to ignore them.

"You would think someone would be desperate enough to hang out with you by now." My breath catches for a moment but I refuse to give her any satisfaction. One of them laughs and spits in my direction before Heather leads them off towards the court yard. Since they are done messing with me, I know the bell must be about to ring or else they would not have let me get off so easy. I dig in my pack until I find a crumpled up schedule and remind myself of where I need to go. I have all AP classes so I am mostly up stairs.

"Ugh, see if I make it out of this place alive."  Chances of that happening? Not good.

Ok guys, first chapter done! :D Unless you want to go through a very long day of school with Isabelle, I think I will switch to Alexander's P.O.V for a bit so you can get used to him. What do you think? Good? I hope so because I have pretty much made up my mind. (xD) Pretty excited for the dare to take place. WARNING: MAY CAUSE CRAZY FANGIRLING   You can't say I didn't tell you...... Anyway we still have one or two chapters at least until that happens.

Sorry if it is slow but I do have a lot of character and setting development to do. After a while it will get better. (I hope? LOL) Anyway I need a cute fan name for you guys... Any ideas? Well to bad, think. I was thinking about it and I started thinking about four-leafed clovers, then plants, then flowers, then aquaglobes. (You know, the little things you stick in potted plants that are suppose to water them but don't work AT ALL? Yeah those.)

Well that is somewhat related to my name and has an interesting back story... So unless someone comes up with a better idea you will be my AquaGlobes. :DDDD LOL Anyway, I will update soon!

                    <3 Xxx Sydney

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