Chapter 12

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Alex's POV

God, she's complicated.

Why does she have to be so damn complicated?

She plays Mario Cart like a boss, sings like a star, then freaks out if I touch her. She will laugh and joke, and then just close me off again.

I watch she walks back to her house, and turn to lock the door behind her, waving with a small smile before twisting the knob shut and disappearing. I lean back and sigh, running my fingers through my hair. This dare is so much more then it's worth. I should just tell the guys that I give up, and Isabelle is too much to handle, yet something about her makes me want to hold on just a bit longer.

I turn down the radio, leaning back against my leather seats, then drive home in silence, thinking about her laugh, and how in a matter of seconds it seems like all of her hesitation and nerves can disappear, but then only a few minutes later everything goes back to the way it usually is.

Taking a deep breath, I try to push thoughts of Isabelle out of my mind as I step out of my car and walk through the front door.

"Back already?" My mom looks up from her spot on the couch where she is watching some show on ABC.

"Yeah," I close the door behind me and start to walk to my room. "She just lives down the road a ways."

My mom nods, but as I continue to my room, she stops me."Alex, why don't you come here for a second."

I turn and look at her, an uneasy feeling in my stomach. "Um... Yeah?" I slide over the wood floor and sit down on the edge of the couch.

My mom is quite for a moment, seeming to be thinking. Finally she speaks very carefully. "Do you know anything about her home life?"

At first I'm confused. What does she mean? I haven't been inside Isabelle's house before. "Uh, it's normal I'm assuming?" I crinkle my eyebrows and position myself more comfortably on the furniture.

My mom nods slowly. "Okay. Yeah thanks, Alex." She smile at me then looks back at the TV, but by now she has caught my attention.

"So, why do you ask?"

She shakes her head and shrugs. "I don't know. That girl was just different. The way she acted."

Well you can't argue with that. I nod and pretend not to think anything of it. "Yeah, I guess she is. I think I'm gonna text the guys and see if they want to get together."

"Okay, have fun dear."

I quickly pull out my iPhone and text in group message that everyone should come over. In a matter of five minutes, everyone had agreed to come over to my place and play some Ps4 except Luka, who has not responded. Finally my phone buzzes and his name comes up.

Hey Bro it is cool if a friend of mine comes over too? I read the message and type back.

Sure thing man. I grab a bag of Doritos and toss it on my bed for when everyone gets here, then sit down and start scrolling through my phone notifications.

Pretty soon, my door bell rings, and as normal all the guys had rode together. Everyone says hello and I watch as Luka's friend walks in after them. He is about my height, has dark hair, and overall just seems like the rest of the guys. 

As he walk by me flashes a small smile. "Hey, you must be Alex. I'm Zane." 

"Oh okay, cool. I've seen you around school before." I watch him for a moment as he follows the guys to my room, but quickly stride after him. As soon as I close the door behind me and plop down on my bean bag chair, all the guys turn to look at me with smirks. I raise my eyebrows and laugh, slightly confused. "What are you all so happy about?"

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