Chapter Three

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Louis' POV

I sat in a corner booth at Starbucks, praying nobody recognized me. I kept watching the door for any sign of Alex, but hadn't seen her yet. Maybe she overslept and is running late, wait why am I worrying it's not even nine yet. I shook my head to try and clear my head. Realizing that it hadn't worked, I let my head fall to the table.

"Oh my gosh Louis, is that you," I heard a few moments later. I would recognize that voice anywhere. It was Eleanor. Refusing to lift my head, I mumbled a slightly annoyed 'yes.' She's a really clingy and annoying ex. "What are you doing here all by your lonesome self," I look up to see that she has slid in the seat across from me. "Waiting for a friend," I replied looking at my phone, 8:57, Alex would be here any minute. "Oh, is it one of your guy friends or a female friend," she asked sternly. I rolled my eyes, here we go again. "Does it really matter El, I mean seriously we're not even together anymore. Besides, last time I checked I was a grown man and could be friends with whomever I wanted," I whisper yelled. She glared at me a few seconds before deciding to not touch the topic anymore. I heard the bell on the door chime, and looked up to see Alex walking through the door.

I motioned her over to the booth. Giving Eleanor a weak smile, she slid in next to me. "Alex, this is my ex-girlfriend Eleanor, Eleanor this is my friend Alex,' I said, introducing them. Alex gave a small smile and a shy wave, while Eleanor glared at her. I had to get El to leave before something bad happened, or maybe if I left them alone to chat for a few minutes then everything would be fine. It's worth a shot, right?

Alex's POV

"If you two would excuse me, I have to use the restroom," Louis said politely. I stood up to let him out, and sat back down when he did so. "So, Eleanor, how long have you known Louis," I asked, trying to make conversation. She glared at me with daggers as she said, "Listen here sweetie, I don't want you in my way of getting him back. I would really appreciate it if cut off all contact with him now. I don't want you speaking to him or seeing him again." Did she really just say that? "No I won't stop seeing or speaking to him. I can be friends with whoever I want to be friends with, so don't sit here and tell me I can't. Please get a life and don't worry about mine," I shot back. She gave me a deadly glare before saying with a smirk, "Just remember one thing honey, Lou won't ever fall for a slut like you." She can honestly sit there and call me that, I mean she barely knows me. I couldn't stand her attitude anymore. Before she could process it, I reached across the table and grabbed her cup of coffee. As I was about to toss it on her, Louis returned with a look of shock plastered to his face.

"What is going on here," he demanded. Eleanor put on a sad face before saying, "Your friend here told me I couldn't talk to you or see you again." She was an amazing liar, I would give her that much. Louis looked at me with confused eyes. "Louis if the want nothing but the honest truth, then we need to get out of here so she isn't trying to twist the truth around," I shoot her a look that could kill. "Alright, let's walk and talk," he sticks out his hand for me to take. I quickly take it and walk out with him, not once glancing back at Eleanor.

"Okay, do you mind explaining what happened back there," he said once we were safely outside. I took a deep breath before speaking. "Well I tried making polite conversation and then she started saying that I could never see or speak to you again so I told her I could be friends with whoever and to get a life and stay out of mine. She then proceeded to call me a slut, so I was going to make her wear her coffee. I guess you could say I don't take people calling me names too lightly," I explained. I was staring at the ground as we walked, waiting for his response. He began chuckling. "What's so funny," I questioned. "It's just that everyone is so scared of her and then you go and speak your mind to her, just to let you know you're on her hate list now that you did that," he responded. I shrugged my shoulders and said, "Haters are motivaters." This sends him into another fit of laughter. I couldn't help but laugh along. His laugh is contagious, not to mention adorable.

Louis' POV

We walked around town for hours. Only being stopped by a fan once or twice. "I'm hungry," Alex whined. I chuckled and asked, "What am I supposed to do about it?" "Give me food," she said grabbing my arm and violently shaking it. I stopped walking and gave her a funny look. When she saw the look on my face, she burst into laughter. Seconds later, she let out a snort. It was my turn to laugh. Her eyes got big as her cheeks turned a bright shade of pink. "Stop it," she said, slapping my arm. "I'm sorry, it's just that it was really funny," I said trying to catch my breath. "Not really," she said, crossing her arms over her chest. I composed myself before saying, "Fine it wasn't funny, now let's go get something to eat."

After stopping at a Nandos for a quick bite to eat, we went our separate ways. "Bye," she said, climbing into a cab. I waved goodbye as the cab drove away. As I started my trek home, my thoughts flew throughout the events of the day. I honestly can't think of a better way to have spent it. Before I know it I'm back home. As I walk in, it seems eerily quiet, the boys must be out somewhere. I settle on the couch to relax, and the next thing I know Harry is sitting on my lap. "Boobear, I've missed you so much, where have you been all day," he asks looking up and smiling at me. I laugh before saying, "Hanging out with Alex, if that's okay." He plasters a fake frown to his face before saying, "She better not steal my Boobear from me." "Don't worry Curly, I'll always love you," I say as I ruffle his hair and laugh. Pushing him off my lap and onto the floor, I stand up and say, "You're it Curly." "Oh you're so on Tomlinson," he said pushing himself off the floor. As we're playing our friendly game of indoor tag, I realize how lucky I am to have such wonderful people in my life.

Alex's POV

I was sad to have to leave Louis. He was really nice, funny, and fun to hang out with. I wonder how Lola would react to this when I tell her, if I tell her before Saturday.

After paying the cab driver, I quickly darted up the stairs and unlocked the door. After shutting and locking it behind me, I made my way to the kitchen to make some delicious hot cocoa. As I was searching for a mug to place it in, my phone started ringing. I looked at the caller ID before answering. "Hello mummy dearest," I said sweetly. "Oh my dearest Alexandria, I just have the greatest news," I waited silently for her to continue. "I've set you up on a date with my friend's son, Ezra. He's CEO of a megacorporation, rich, and if I may add he's very handsome," she blurts. "Mum, I'm twenty years old and plenty capable of finding my own date," I reply. "And when was your last date," she shot back. "When I was sixteen," I say quietly. "My point exactly," she said matter-of-factly.

"Fine, I'll go. When and where is it," I said after five minutes of getting no where with my mother. "You're to meet him at D'Italia at seven tomorrow evening." I sighed before saying, "Okay, bye, love you." "Love you too sweetheart," she said before quickly hanging up the phone. Suddenly, I wasn't in the mood for hot cocoa anymore. I closed the cupboard, grabbed my phone, and headed upstairs to take a long bubble bath. I deserve it.


A/N: Feedback is welcome. Read, comment, vote, and be merry :) Happy Reading!!! :)

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