Chapter Four

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Alex's POV

     I stood looking at myself in my full body mirror. My make up done to perfection, and my hair curled. The dress I chose was red and hugged my body in all the right places. I can't believe I'm making an effort for a guy I haven't even met. You're doing this for your mum, I kept reminding myself.

     Picking up my phone, I saw that it was 6:15. I had 45 minutes to get there. Hailing a cab shouldn't take too long, maybe five minutes. Fighting traffic should only take 20-25 minutes. That leaves me with 15-20 minutes to waste.

     After playing a few rounds of Temple Run, I put on my heels and threw everything into my handbag. After making sure the door was locked, I spotted a cab coming up the street. Hailing a cab took less time than I thought it would.

     After about 25 minutes of staring out the window, the cab pulls up to the restaurant. This is it, no turning back now. I quickly pay the driver and exit the car. Ezr is standing out front waiting for me. I gulp down the nervousness the best I can and start approaching him, Let's see what this night has in store for me.

Ezra's POV

     She was more beautiful in person. The pictures her mother had shown me did her no justice. God she was gorgeous.

     "You must be Alex," I said when she approached me. She nodded but said nothing. I could tell she was nervous. "Listen if at anytime tonight you want to leave, I'll understand," I said, trying to comfort her. She gave a small smile as she said, "Thanks." I returned her smile and held out my hand for her take it. She took it with a shaky hand, and then we made our way into the restaurant.

Louis' POV

     "Lou, left hand green," Liam called. Harry, Niall, and I were tangled up on the Twister mat. I was determined to win. As I placed my left hand on a green circle, my phone started buzzing in my back pocket. I groaned and dropped t the floor, admitting defeat, and pulled out my phone.

     "Hello," I said walking into the kitchen for some quiet. "Lou, guess what," Daisy screamed into the phone. I chuckled before saying, "What is it Daisy?" "I want to tell him," I heard Phoebe say. "Girls give me the phone," I heard my mother's stern voice say over the twins' bickering. She sighed before saying, "Sorry about that sweetie." "It's fine, but what did the girls want to tell me," I questioned. "I'm bringing all the girls to the concert on Saturday, Lottie and Felicite are bringing a friend, and then they're staying the night. I told the twins that if it was alright with you, then they could stay the night and spend most of Sunday with you," she replied. "Mum, I would love to have the girls," I answered, a big grin forming on my face. "Thanks sweetie, love you," I could hear the happiness in her voice. "Love you too," I said and quickly hung up.

     "What's the big grin for Tommo," Liam said flicking the spinner. "Mum is bringing the girls to the concert Saturday, then the twins are going to stay the night and most of Sunday with us," I said running and tackling Harry and Niall. Niall sighed in aggravation before saying, "Thanks Lou, I almost had Curly over there."Harry's response was simply, "I love spending time with the twins." I laughed at their responses, rolling off of them and onto the floor.

Eleanor's POV

     I watched as a young couple walked in. The guy was rather attractive, and I couldn't help but feel I knew the girl. I watched as they made their way to a table set for two. That's when it hit me, that girl was Alex. "El, what are you looking at," Rachel said giving me a funny look. "Just a friend I haven't seen in a while," I assured.

     I periodically glanced at them throughout dinner. A brilliant plan was forming as I saw the way she smiled at him. I was almost sure it would work, now if I could just get her away from him.

Alex's POV

     After a few moments of pointless conversation, I began to relax and enjoy myself. Periodically, I felt as if some one were watching us, but I shook that off and enjoyed the food. Throughout sipping our wine and eating dinner, we got to know one another a little better. He was rich, but didn't like to flaunt it, had just a small home, and he that he was very generous with his money, donating large amounts of it to charity. Overall, he was a very sweet, caring, and generous guy.

     "Would you like dessert or your check sir," the waiter asked, seeing that we had finished our meals. Ezra looked at me questioningly and I shook my head. "The check please," he responded, and the waiter scurried off. "Can I see your phone for a second," I asked. He looked confused but handed it to me anyway. After entering my number into his contacts and quickly texting myself, I handed it back and said, "We should really hang out again, text me." A smile spread across his face. This night hadn't been so bad after all.

Ezra's POV

     After paying the bill, we exited the restaurant. "I had a really good time tonight," I said, shoving my hands into my pockets. "Me too," she said, flashing a gorgeous smile.

     After seeing her off, I felt a hand grip my shoulder. I was turned around to face yet another beautiful woman. "I'm Eleanor, a long time friend of Alex's," she said with a smile on her face. "And your point is," I asked, just wanting to get home. "I saw the way she was with you tonight, I can tell she really likes you," she explained. I gave a questioning glance before asking, "You can tell that just by the way she acted?" She nodded her head as she said, "I've known her a long time, I think you should snatch her up before anybody else does. If you need any ideas on how to impress her, call me." She handed me a slip of paper and walked away.

     I walked back to my car, dumbstruck by what had just happened. After getting in my car, I turned the radio up, and pulled out of the parking lot. The entire drive home, I replayed the events of the night in my head. It had truly been terrific.


A/N: Sooo, this chapter gave me a lot of trouble and I'm not too sure how it turned out. Anyway, read, vote, comment, look at One Direction pictures, just do whatever keeps your mind happy. :) :) :)

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