Chapter Eight

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Hello everyone, it's been almost a month since I have written a new chapter, and I apologize. Last chapter I asked if you guys liked longer chapters, or shorter chapters, and I only got one request that said longer chapters. I hope this is long enough! Enjoy. By the way , this whole chapter is basically Ty's Point Of View.

Ty's POV

"Why isn't Rylie picking up her phone?" I thought to myself. I called her at least 18 times. The last time I spoke to her was when we were packing up the old house. I needed to know what was going on. A few moments later, my phone began ringing. I hoped it was Rylie, but when I looked on the screen, the caller ID said "Unknown". I usually don't answer these calls, but today I decided to answer. As I picked up the phone, a voice that sounded like a man spoke. "Hello, is this Tyshawn Perez?" He said. "Who's asking?" I said. "This is Dr. Michaels from the Atlanta Medical Center. I have a patient here named Rylie Jones that has given me your number for emergency contact." My heart immediately dropped. I knew something was up with Rylie. "Where is she?" I said yelling into the phone. "I am sorry to tell you this sir, Rylie and her mother, Tara have gotten into a car accident. Tara is currently in recovery, but Rylie has been unresponsive since she has gotten here. We are trying our best to keep her alive." He said. I felt like hanging up on this man. I can't believe this happened to Rylie and her mother. I was so mad and I didn't know what to do. "Do you have any idea who caused the accident?" I asked. "We have not gotten any information about that yet, sir. I am very sorry." He said. "I will be down there in a minute." I said.


As I pulled up to the hospital, I immediately ran inside. I walked up to the receptionist, and gave her Rylie's name. Luckily, Rylie and her mom were in rooms right next to each other so I didn't have to make any extra trips. When I got to Rylie's room, I noticed that the nurse was in the room injecting something into her right arm. I knocked on the door, and asked the nurse politely if she could give us some private time. The nurse respected my request, and left the room. Rylie had so many scars and bruises all over her body. It reminded me of when Matthew put his hands on her, but this time is was worse. I could tell she went through something extreme. I hope that she would be okay. I went to her bedside and held her hand. I kissed her hand, and then went to her forehead and kissed it as well. I started to cry a little, and I never cry. My tears touched Rylie's cheek. I didn't like seeing her like this.


As I walked into Tara's room, a smile came across her face. "Ty!" She said. She looked like she just finished lunch from the empty tray and apple juice carton near her. Dr. Michaels was just getting ready to pack up her prescriptions for her. "Have you visited Rylie yet?" Tara said. "Yes." I said nonchalantly. Tara had a blank look on her face. The nurse that was taking care of Rylie suddenly walked into Tara's room. "She's up." Said the nurse. I was in shock. I immediately ran into Rylie's room, to the sight that her eyes were open. Dr. Michaels instructed me to get out of the room so that he can get her body back up to par. I listened. I sat outside of the hospital room for about two hours, until Dr. Michaels came out of the door. "I have some good news and bad news." He said. "Good news first please." I said. "Rylie has been doing great after waking up. She has been able to respond to the environment around her, and has been taking her medicine." He said. "I don't really want to hear the bad news now." I said. "Well, she fractured her wrist, and unfortunately since she looks so bad, she needs to stay out of school for a couple more days until her wounds clear up." He said. "Well, it wasn't that bad." I said, sounding relieved. "Rylie will be okay to leave tomorrow." He said. I was going to stay there with her all night. I didn't want anything else to happen to her.


The next morning, I woke up on a very uncomfortable chair inside of Rylie's room. She wasn't in her bed, so I assumed she was in the bathroom. When she walked out, and she looked at me and smiled. I noticed the white cast on her wrist. "Good morning, sleepyhead." She said. I missed her so much. I missed her laugh, her jokes, her smile, everything. I was so glad she was okay. If she ended up any other way, I don't know what I would do. "Good morning bae. Glad to see you're up." I said smiling. "I look terrible, don't I." She frowned. "You're always beautiful to me, don't say that." I said. I gave her a kiss on the cheek, and Dr. Michaels walked into the room. He had the release papers and the bill for Tara and Rylie. I signed the paper. The total amount for the two of them was $250! It was expensive, but I would do anything for Rylie.


After putting Rylie and Tara's medicine into the car, I went to the second floor in the hospital to pick them up. We all went inside of the elevator after saying goodbye to Dr. Michaels, and his assistant nurse Maria. We went down to floor one, and I signed out with the receptionist. It was a different lady than the one from the other day. The new lady had long wavy black hair, blue eyes mixed with a little green, and light skin. She looked at if she was in her early 20s. I know I'm only 18, but she was beautiful. "I'll go to the car, where's the keys?" Rylie said, not noticing that I was looking at the receptionist. I handed her the keys, and the girls headed out the door. The receptionist looked up at me and smirked. She handed me the receipt for the parking ticket I paid for the other day, and somehow managed to write her number on it as well. "My name is Jocelyn. Give me a call." She said. I took the receipt, and walked away.


I hope you all liked this chapter, don't forget to press the star in the bottom left corner. I will try to get you all a new chapter soon! ❤️

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