(4) Look I'm Sorry

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*Ambers P.O.V*
I opened my gate and went into my yard with Leda and we went through the back door and ran upstairs and heard the phone rang and my dad answered it
*10 minutes later*
"Leda you better go..." I whispered to her


"I think she rang our parents...."

Ledas face visibly paled and she shook her head.

"Well I'm gonna be alright since my parents are outta town but your Dad sounds really annoyed...You sure you don't want me to stick around and try to explain?"

"Nah nothing you can do now but thanks anyway!"

I hugged Leda and she went down the steps from my balcony and disappeared through the gate in the back of my yard.


"Alright I'm coming!!"

I went downstairs to face my Dad and he was in the hall with a annoyed look on his face.

"Amber what is the meaning of this?Ms.Jones said you have been cheeky and disobedient and not concertrating or even doing your homework and today you cursed at her and walked out of detention?Seriously Amber you are doing?Why are you trying to mess up your record?"

"Dad its just that she is really mean to us an-"

"What do you mean us?"

"Leda and I....."

"Well Amber you won't be stuck in her class forever.You only have two months left in her class then it's summer.Please can you try to behave and do your homwork and stuff?Please Amber...For me?"

His voice was back to normal now.That's a good thing about my dad.He doesnt stay mad for long.

"Alright Dad..."

"And you are grounded for a week"

"Look I'm sorry....."

"No Amber you need to be punished and anymore cheek from you I will not let Leda come over after school anymore.I'm just letting her over cause of her parents being away for the week so count yourself lucky.Now go to your room and do your homework"

I knew better than to argue with him and went back upstairs and went on my laptop,did my homework and had my dinner and then fell asleep.

I'm Andy Biersacks Little Sister ♡Where stories live. Discover now