(34) Good impression?

680 31 5

*Ambers P.O.V*

I looked at my computer screen in happiness.My video was gone viral and I was really happy and shocked beyond belief (Andy saw it and so did the rest of Black Veil Brides which was embarrassing but they were really happy for me)

My parents didn't know cause my mom and dad don't go on YouTube much - especially not to watch hair dyeing videos!Oh and i threatened the guys and Andy (And my friends!) and told them.I would kill them one by one if they told my parents - They wouldn't really have a problem with me starting youtube but they would if they found out i nearly got 1 million views and didnt tell them!!I don't want them to look at my social media and stuff or they may take my phone and I have wayyy too many screenshots that I have explanation for (You know what I mean!)

I got a number of requests for an outfits video so I recorded that and put it up (Only showed 1/4 of my wardrobe though!

Am going to hang out with Andy and the rest of Black Veil Brides later!I decided to wear a white crop top I recently bought and curled my hair.I wanted to make a good impression by looking cool and I was looking foreward to see Ashley!.

And I don't know why.

I applied the finishing touches to my makeup just in time cause Andy called me and said we were leaving.

I uplugged my phone and locked up the house and got into Andy's car and we were on our way!

I'm Andy Biersacks Little Sister ♡Where stories live. Discover now