(12) Sickness

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*Ambers P.O.V*

It was week after Andy came home.I was feeling really bad for the last week and wasn't very happy about it.

Ledas parents came home and I went to her house for dinner.Ledas parents are really cool but they are away a lot and that really upsets Leda.

I was quiet when Ledas family and I sat down for dinner.They asked me a few times was I alright and I just replied with a "Yeah".

To be honest I don't really know what was wrong with me.I just felt.....Sick and really dizzy to be honest.

Leda walked me home and chatted all the way and when we turned into my driveway she grabbed hold of me and gave me a hug.

"You haven't been yourself lately Amber....Are You okay?"


"You sure??You don't look okay..Your way paler than usual and its scaring me" Leda said anxiously.

"Yeah I'm fine Leda" I whispered to her as the world was spinning and then i passed out.

I'm Andy Biersacks Little Sister ♡Where stories live. Discover now